A List of PPP Projects for Investment in
Unit: 10,000 yuan
序號 項目名稱 項目所在地 建設內容及規模 項目總投資 政府參與方式 擬采用的PPP操作模式 責任人及聯系方式 備注
No Names of the Projects Locations Construction Contents & Scales Total Investment Gov. Partner-ship PPP to be adopted Depts in Charge & Contacts Remarks
合計(72項) 61***
A. Irrigation(4) 24***
1 霞浦縣吳坑水庫工程 霞浦縣 工程任務為供水、灌溉為主,結合消能發電。新建中型水庫一座,總庫容4188萬立方米,興利庫容3682萬立方米,最大壩高
1 Wukeng Reservoir of Xiapu County Xiapu County It is mainly a project of water supply, irrigation and power generation. A new medium reservoir is to be built of a total volume of 41.88 million cubic meters with an irrigation volume of 36.82 million cubic meters. The height of the dam is to be 78.2 meters with an installed capacity of 6000 kilowatts. 93217 Franchise and Equity Coopperation PPP Development Co., Ltd of Wukeng Reservoir of Xiapu County and Mr.Zheng Yuandong;Tel: 1363520***
2 福鼎市龍安防洪堤及園區配套設施建設項目 福鼎市 1.店下溪干流龍安段河道長
2 Longan Levee and its Accessory Infrastructural Projects of
3 賽江流域周寧段防洪工程 周寧縣 在周寧縣境內,整治河道8.9公里,建設防洪堤9.99公里,水閘100座(二、三期)。36000 特許經營 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣水利局,張明群1390593***
3 Flood-Control Project of Zhouning Section of the Saijiang River Zhouning County Within Zhouning County, a 8.9-km river section is to be treated and a 9.99-km levee is to be built with 100 locks(of Phase-II and III). 36000 Franchise and Equity Coop PPP Zhouning Irrigation Bureau and Mr. Zhang Mingqun;Tel:1390593***
4 蕉城區霍童柏步水庫電站 蕉城區 流域面積
4 Baibu Reservoir Power Station of Huotong Township of Jiaocheng Jiaocheng District A reaches area of
二、交通設施(10項) 297***
5 寧德漳灣港鐵路支線項目 寧德市 項目位于寧德市蕉城區漳灣鎮北部,是寧德港漳灣作業區公共港區銜接衢寧鐵路的重要疏港鐵路項目。線路全長約10公里。60000 匹配資源 PPP 寧德市交投集團薛林棟,13905930377,寧德市鐵辦陳光烈,1395057***
5 The Feeder Railway to
6 國省干線(聯七線)公路霞浦東沖至火車站段工程及填海造地工程 霞浦縣 1.公路項目:路線全長66.643(含海島鄉連接線2.2公里),采用一、二級公路標準。其中:東沖至南岐山段52.003公里采用二級公路標準,南岐山至火車站段12.289公里采用一級公路標準。2.填海造地項目:填海造地成陸面積約82萬平方米,滯洪區隔堤長約
6 The Highway from Xiapu's Dongchong to the Railway Station of the National and Provincial Roads(Lianqi Lines) and the Project of Land Reclamation Xiapu County 1.Highway Project:its length is
7 屏南縣西環路建設項目 屏南縣 用地面積約1200畝的西環路片區建設及3.2公里長的主干道建設(國道G237屏南城區過境段)。64300 匹配資源 PPP 屏南縣天宇城市建設投資有限責任公司,楊林1386030***
7 The Xihuan Road Construction Project of Pingnan County Pingnan County The project areas include about 1200 mu for building the Xihuan Road and the 3.2 kilometers of the main section of National Highway G
8 周寧縣政和縣洞宮山連接禮門景區高速連接線 周寧縣 按國家一級公路標準,設計車速為
8 The Highway Connecting Donggong Mountains of
9 周寧獅城官山經抽蓄電站上庫區至禮門陳峭專用旅游公路(接白云山-白水洋) 周寧縣 按國家二級公路標準,設計車速為
9 The Special Tourist Road Connecting Guanshan Mountain- Pumping Hydro Station-Chenqiao of Limen in
10 國省干線(聯七線)公路霞浦東沖至火車站段工程及填海造地工程 霞浦 1.公路項目:路線全長66.643(含海島鄉連接線2.2公里),采用一、二級公路標準。2.填海造地項目:填海造地成陸面積約82萬平方米,滯洪區隔堤長約
10 The Highway from Xiapu's Dongchong to the Railway Station of the National and Provincial Roads(Lianqi Lines) and the Project of Land Reclamation Xiapu County 1.Highway Project:its length is
11 寧德至古田疏港高速公路 蕉城區、古田縣 新建高速公路。路線全長約70公里,雙向四車道,設計時速100公里/小時,路基寬
11 The Expressway Connecting Ningde City Port to Gutian County Jiaocheng District;
12 國省干線縱三線周寧縣純池鎮祖龍村(壽寧界)至周寧城關(仙溪亭)公路工程周寧城關段 周寧縣 路線起點位于周寧縣萌源村北側山坡腳,沿線經萌源村、過崗、后坑、牛肉祭埡口、東關變電站、污水處理廠、終點位于仙溪亭,路線長6.99公里,采用一級路標準建設,路基寬度
12 The Project of Three Longitudinal Lines of the National and Provincial Roads from Zulong Village(Shouning Boundary), Chunchi Township,to County proper (Xianxiting) of Zhouning Zhouning County The starting point is located at the northern side of Mengyuan Village of Zhouning County, and goes along Mengyuan Village, Guogang, Houkeng, Niulou Jiyakou,Dongguan Substation, Sewage Treatment Plant, and stops at Xianxiting, with a total length of 6.99 kilometers, and it will be constructed according to National Grade-I Highway Standard, and the subgrade is 34 meters wide. 44836 Resources Matching;Equity Cooperation PPP Ningtong Traffic Investment Company Limited of
13 周寧縣寧武高速樓坪互通口及禮門景區高速連接線 周寧縣 按國家一級公路標準,設計車速為
13 The Interchanges of the Ningde-Wuyishan Expressway in Louping, Zhouning County Connecting with the Limen Scenic Spot Zhouning County This project will be carried out by the National First Highway Standard, its design speed is
14 福鼎市崳山島環島公路工程項目和太姥山鎮日澳村(縱一線)至店下鎮溪美村旅游公路項目 福鼎市 本項目為兩條旅游公路捆綁,其中:太姥山鎮日澳村(縱一線)至店下鎮溪美村旅游公路全長26.38公里,項目投資匡算24946萬元;崳山環島公路全長約21.5公里,投資額約22534萬元。該項目合作期12.5年,其中建設期2.5年,運營期10年。47480 購買服務 PPP 福鼎市交通局 聯系人:楊忠虎 1395938***
14 Road Engineering Project around the Yushan Island of Fuding City and Tourism Highway Project from Ri'ao Village of Taimu Mountain Town to Ximei Village of Dianxia Township Fuding City The Project includes two tourism highways. One is from Ri'ao Village of Taimu Mountain Township to Ximei Village of Dianxia Township with a length of 26.38 kilometers, and its total investment is 249.46 million yuan, and the other is the highway around
三、市政設施(25項) 126***
15 寧德市東區污水處理廠 寧德市 近期主要接納東蘭組團、寧德師院片區的污水,處理規模
16 Sewage Treatment Plant of the Eastern Zone of Ningde Ningde City At present,it is to treat mainly the sewage from the east area of Lantian village and the zone around Ningde Normal University,with a processing scale of
16 寧德市北區污水處理廠及配套管網工程 東僑開發區 污水處理廠一座,近期處理規模2.0萬m³/d;遠期4.0萬m3/d。建設粗格柵及進水泵房、細格柵及旋流沉砂池、水解酸化池、改良型Carrousel-5000氧化溝、二沉池、接觸消毒池、巴氏計量槽、污泥泵污泥濃縮池、污泥脫水間及污泥堆棚、加氯加藥間、變配電房、綜合樓、傳達室等設施,同時對場區進行場地平整,修建廠外臨時道路及場區、山體的防護。11997 購買服務 PPP 寧德市北區污水處理廠,林濤,1395050***
16 Sewage Treatment Plant and the Supporting Pipe Network Engineering of the Northern Zone of Ningde Ningde Dongqiao Development Zone To build one sewage treatment plant with a processing scale of
17 寧德市蕉城區三嶼(云淡)圍墾工程 蕉城區 圍墾面積6330畝,海堤總長
17 Reclamation Project of Sanyu(Yundan), Jiaocheng District,Ningde City Jiaocheng District The reclamation area is 6,330 mu,with a levee of 5,533 meters long,and 6.7 to 7.0 meters high.It is designed on the standards for controlling huge floods that occur once in 50 years,with a drainage lock of three holes X three meters, and the drainage opening is 9 meters wide, and the bottom is 2.50 meters high. The accumulated investment was 480 million yuan in 2014,and the sea reclamation as well as the south and north levees of 600 meters completed.It is planed to complete the construction of the south,north and southeast embankments of 5,533 meters and the levee tap holes and drainage locks. 200,000 Resources Matching PPP Headquarter of Sanyu Reclamation Project of Jiaocheng District,Ningde City and Mr. Liu Zhentian, Tel:1332828***
18 古田縣第二水廠項目 古田縣 一期工程供水規模
18 No. 2 Water Plant of Gutian County Gutian County The planned Phase-I scale of water supply is
19 古田縣大甲工業區一平及路網工程 古田縣 三通一平3000畝、路網道路水泥硬化、自來水及污水處理工程 30000 購買服務 PPP 古田縣大甲鎮政府,陳信燮,1505928***
19 Land Leveling and Road Network Engineering of Dajia Industrial Zone of Gutian County Gutian County To level 3,000mu of land that is leveled and linked with water,roads ,electricity and hardening of the roads with cement,as well as projects of tap water and sewage treatment. 30,000
20 古田縣鳳都工業區一平及路網工程 古田縣 園區內1300畝的一平及路網,給排水、污水處理河道整治等配套工程 30000 購買服務 PPP 古田縣工業辦 杜新景,1895933***
20 Land Leveling and Road Network Engineering of Fengdu Industrial Zone of Gutian County Gutian County To level 1,300mu of land and its supporting projects of road networks,water supply, drainage,sewage treatment and river flood control,etc. 30,000 Purchase Service PPP Industrial Affairs Office of Gutian County and Mr.Du Xinjing;Tel:1895933***
21 古田縣城西工業園區二期工程項 古田縣 園區內三通一平及路網,給排水、污水處理河道整治及其他配套工程 22654 購買服務 PPP 古田縣城西指揮部,陳金寶,1331371***
21 Phase-II Project of Chengxi Industrial Park of Gutian County Gutian County To level the park and link it with water,road ,electricity and other supporting projects of water supply, drainage,sewage treatment and flood control of the river. 22,654 Purchase Service PPP Chengxi Headquarters of
22 壽寧縣大韓富硒富鋅產業園開發項目 壽寧縣 園區位于壽寧縣武曲鎮大韓村,占地面積3000畝,產業定位為農副產品精深加工。園區地處雙湖二級公路邊,福壽高速互通口,交通便利。基礎設施包括園區道路、污水處理等配套設施。60000 股權合作 PPP 壽寧縣武曲鎮人民政府,盧瑩,1330503***
22 Development Project of the Industrial Park of Rich Selenium and Zinc in Dahan Village,Shouning County Shouning County Located in Dahan Village of Wuqu township of Shouning county,it covers an area of 3,000 mu.The industrial orientation is the deep processing of agricultural and sideline products.The industrial park is next to the Grade-II road along Shuanghu and at the intersections of Fuzhou-Shouning Expressway,with convenient transportation.The infrastructure includes roads, sewage treatment and other supporting facilities there. 60,000 Equity Cooperation PPP Wuqu People's Government of
23 寧德市天德路、南天路一期市政道路項目 寧德市 天德路項目西起溫福鐵路東側規劃路,東至天冠路,北側為義聯鎳合金項目,南側為天冠項目,全長
23 The first phase of the municipal road projects of
24 福鼎市濱海大道(桐城外墩至白琳翁江段) 福鼎市 桐城外墩至點頭馬洋段全長
24 Coastal Avenue of Fuding City (from Waidun Village of Tongcheng Township to Wengjiang Village of Bai Lin Township) Fuding City It's 2,229 meters long from Waidun village of Tongcheng Township to Mayang Village of Diantou Township(including the embankment and three bridges), and 36-40 meters wide.And the section from Mayang Village to Wengjiang Village is 7,930.4 meters long(including the embankment and seven bridges),and 36-40 meters wide. 101,900 Purchase Service PPP Headquarter of Coastal Avenue of
25 福鼎市路燈LED改造項目 LED 福鼎市 改造城區路燈12000盞(包含中華燈、高壓鈉燈、節能燈)。3000 購買服務 PPP 福鼎市住建局,劉曉明,1380957***
25 Renovation Project of the Street Lights of Fuding City Fuding City To innovate 12,000 street lamps(with pompous lights, high pressure sodium lamps and energy-saving lamps). 3,000 Purchase Service PPP Housing Construction Bureau of
26 霞浦縣溪南鎮老鴨頭填海造地項目 霞浦縣 工程總用地面積1199.93畝,其中南側海域面積共716.54畝,北側陸域面積486.39畝,圍填后形成陸域總面積477821平方米,陸域拋填高程
26 Laoyatou Land Reclamation in Xinan Township of Xiapu County Xiapu County The total engineering area is 1,199.93 mu, of which the south sea area covers a total area of 716.54 mu, and the north sea area 486.39 mu.After reclamation,the total land area is to be 477,821 square meters,and its filling height is to be 5.62 meters, and the road elevation is 6.2 meters, with a total revetment length of 1,450 meters. 20,000 Resources Matching and Franchise BOT Xinan Bay Industrial Park Investment Co., LTD of
27 屏南縣長坋中路片區開發建設項目 屏南縣 項目總用地約75.15畝。主要建設長
27 Development and Construction Project of Changfen Centeral Road Zone of Pingnan County Pingnan County The total land is to be 75.15mu,mainly for building the Centeral and Middle Road of Changfen for
28 周寧縣城市公共停車場建設 周寧縣 在獅城鎮新建公共地下停車場,占地面積約110畝,停車位3500個,項目分兩期實施。16000 匹配資源 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣住建局,凌明安,1390503***
28 Construction Project of Urban Public Parking Lots in Zhouning County Zhouning County To build new public underground parking lots in Shicheng Town that cover an area of about 110 mu,with 3,500 parking lots. The project is divided into two phases for construction. 16,000 Resources Matching and Equity Cooperation PPP Housing Construction Bureau of
29 周寧縣鄉鎮污水和垃圾處理 周寧縣 在8個鄉鎮新建污水處理廠,新建垃圾中轉站;日污水處理2.8萬噸、垃圾處理轉運300噸。40000 購買服務
股權合作 BOT 周寧縣住建局,凌明安,1390503***
29 Sewage and Garbage Disposal Project of Villages and Townships of Zhouning County Zhouning County To build sewage treatment plants in eight townships and rubbish transfer stations with a daily sewage processing capacity of 28,000 tons, and 300 tons of garbage. 40,000 Resources Matching and Equity Cooperation BOT Housing Construction Bureau of
30 壽寧縣交溪流域污水處理設施及配套管網工程 壽寧縣 日處理污水1.2萬噸,主要建設內容包括建設污水處理終端設施和鋪設污水管網57.4公里。12,373 政府補貼 PPP 壽寧縣綠潔投資建設有限公司,李煥長,1895935***
30 The Engineering Project of the Sewage Treatment Facilities and Supporting Pipe Networks of the Jiaoxi River of Shouning County Shouning County To reach a daily sewage treatment of 12,000 tons.The main construction contents include the sewage treatment terminal facilities and the 57.4-kilometers sewage pipe networks. 12,373 Government Subsidies PPP Lvjie Investment and Construction Co., LTD of
31 蕉城區飛鸞鎮污水處理廠 蕉城區 項目一期日處理量為5000噸,二期建成日處理量為15000噸。采用連續進水周期循環曝氣活性污泥工藝(CASS)+紫外線消毒的污水處理工藝和濃縮脫水一體機的污水處理工藝。4922 特許經營 BOT 福建鸞城城鎮建設投資有限公司,陳曉,1865058***
31 Feiluan Sewage Treating Plant of Jiaocheng District Jiaocheng District Phase-I Treating Capacity of 5000 tons of sewage daily and Phase-II is 15000 tons daily. CASS technology+ UV Disinfection Treating Process and Dewatering Treating Process with Machiness are adopted. 4,922 Franchise BOT Luancheng Urban Construction and Investment Co., Ltd of
32 蕉城區碧桂園水廠工程 蕉城區 水廠總規模
32 Biguiyuan Water Plant Project of Jiaocheng District Jiaocheng District The scale of the plant is
33 蕉城區蘭田小區保障性住房二期 蕉城區 二期建筑面積37500平方米,建設2幢25層保障性住房。8000 購買服務 BT 蕉城區火車站周邊安置房建設工作指揮部,王星發,1307396***
33 Phase-II Guaranteed Housing Project in Lantian, Jiaocheng District Jiaocheng District Phase-II constructed area of 37,500 square meters of 2 buildings of 25 stories each. 8,000 Purchase Service BT Leading Group of the Resettlement Construction Around the Train Station in Jiaocheng and Mr. Wang Xingfa;Tel:1307396***
34 蕉城區連城路 蕉城區 道路北起疏港公路,南至學院路,全長約7.2公里,寬度
34 Road Extension in Jiaocheng District Jiaocheng District It starts from the Harbor Road in the north and extends to the Xueyuan Road and covers 7.2 kilometers with a width of 60 meters.Help links Zhangwan Industrial Zone and main city proper and is an important expressway in the new coastal city. 245,000 Resource Matching and Financial Subsidies PPP Urban Construction and Development Co., Ltd of
35 蕉城區G104縱二線蕉城八都至飛鸞 蕉城區 全長34.6公里,按一級公路標準建設,路線起于八都,經鐵爐坪,金涵,福洋,終于飛鸞。410000 特許經營 BOT 寧德市蕉城區交通運輸局,林伏俤,1395059***
35 Second Vertical Road of G104 from Baidu to Feiluan Township of Jiaocheng District Jiaocheng District The road is 34.6 , kilometers long and is to be constructed on Grade-I road standards. It starts from Baidu and passes Tieluping, Jinhan, Fuyang and ends at Feiluan. 410,000 Franchise BOT Jiaocheng Communications Bureau of