招商引資內容:該項目占地面積200畝,主要建設汽車零部件生產項目。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:計劃總投資10000萬美元。項目投資市場分析:北方汽配有限公司是主要以沖壓、金屬結構、鈑金、吹塑、注塑、機加工為一體的現代化汽車零部件生產企業,主要為中國一汽集團、北汽福田車輛股份有限公司(歐曼重型汽車廠)、北京汽車制造廠、長城汽車股份有限公司、中國航天集團等幾十家大中型企業配套。招商引資建設條件:該項目位于霸州經濟技術開發區,地處京、津、保金三角的中心,區內基礎設施建設已達到“八通一平”,政策優惠,生產成本低廉,管理服務完善高效。投資項目效益分析:投資回報率可達30%。項目招商機構:區內基礎設施建設已達到“八通一平”,政策優惠,生產成本低廉,管理服務完善高效。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:樊國棟 招商引資電話:0086-316-786*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-786*** 招商引資地址:河北省霸州市行政中心1611室 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
The project of Northern auto parts production base
Project Content:The project covers an area of 200 mu, the main construction of auto parts production and project .Investment Estimation and Fund Source:Planning a total investment of100 million .Market Analysis:Northern auto parts co., LTD. Is mainly engaged in stamping, sheet metal, metal structure, blow molding, injection molding, machining as one of the modern automobile spare parts manufacturing enterprise,The company's products are mainly for China faw group, foton vehicle co., LTD. (the heavy car factory), Beijing automobile factory, Great Wall motor co., LTD., China aerospace group, such as dozens of large and medium-sized enterprises supporting .Construction Conditions:This project is located in bazhou economic and technological development zone, is located in Beijing, tianjin, the center of the golden triangle,
Benefit Analysis:Return on investment of up to 30% .General Description of Chinese Sponsor:In the construction of infrastructure has reached the "eight accesses and one leveling", preferential policies, the production cost is low, management services to improve efficiency .Cooperative Form:Joint venture ContactPerson:Fan Guodong Tel:0086-316-786*** Fax:0086-316-786*** Address:Bazhou administrative center Room1611 Post Code:06*** E-mail:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
招商引資內容:勝芳家具產業園一期廠房17棟,占地220畝,建筑面積11182857平方米,總投資8500萬美元,現有11家企業入駐。二期廠房12棟,現已建成10棟,占地220畝,建筑面積1357129平方米,總投資8000萬美元,現有10家企業入駐。三期廠房13棟,現有8棟廠房正在建設,占地222畝,建筑面積11795664平方米,總投資10000萬美元,現有1家企業入駐。四期正在規劃設計中。項目投資市場分析:霸州市的家具制造產業以金屬玻璃家具為主,其中又以勝芳為中心,勝芳金屬玻璃家具已打入海外市場。2013年一季度,出****貨值高達11億元,同比增長43%,占同類產品營業收入的102%。僅憑一鎮之力就奪得75%的國內市場份額。如今,勝芳家具已發展了8大系列,4000多個品種,年產2400余萬件套,產值176億元,利稅實現121億元,該行業占區域內GDP的19%。勝芳工業用地稀缺,勝芳家具產業園為勝芳唯一的專業家具產業園。招商引資建設條件:霸州市勝芳經濟開發區位于環渤海經濟圈中心區,距首都北京120公里,天津35公里,毗鄰首都機場、天津濱海機場和即將建設的首都第二機場,坐擁天津港和京唐港兩大港口,區位優越,交通便利,地理位置得天獨厚,配套設施完善。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作或獨資均可 招商引資聯系人:張會 招商引資地址:霸州市金屬玻璃家具產業園區 招商引資電話:0086-316-7859012 785*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-7859*** E-mail:yqzhaoshang**[ta]**com
Shengfang furniture industrial park project
Project contents:Shengfang furniture industrial park phase I workshop building17, covers an area of 220 mu, investment 530 million yuan, the existing11 enterprises. Plant12 phase ii, has been built10 buildings, covers an area of 220 mu, investment 500 million yuan, the existing10 enterprises. Plant招商引資電話:13 3 period, the existing 8 plant is under construction, covers an area of 222 mu, investment 580 million yuan, the existing one in enterprises. Phase iv is in planning and design .Market analysis:Bazhou furniture manufacturing industry is given priority to with metal glass furniture, which was centered in shengfang, shengfang metal glass furniture already into overseas markets. In the first quarter of 2013, the export value of110 million yuan, up 43% from a year earlier, accounting for102% of the similar products operating income. By the force of a town alone won 75% of the domestic market share .Construction condition:Bazhou metal glass furniture industrial park is located in the central bohai economic circle,120 kilometers away from the capital, Beijing, tianjin, 35 kilometers, adjacent to the capital airport and tianjin binhai airport and the construction of the second airport in the capital, sit at the tianjin port and jingtang port, the location is superior, the transportation is convenient, unique geographical position, supporting facilities is perfect .Cooperation way:Joint venture, cooperation ContactPerson:Zhang Hui Address:Bazhou metal glass furniture industry park
TelL:0086-316-785*** Fax:0086-316-785*** E-mail:yqzhaoshang**[ta]**com
招商引資內容:該項目致力提高勝芳家具行業技術含量,引領勝芳家具品牌化,主要生產金屬玻璃家具或板式家具等一系列產品,占地約150畝。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目計劃總投資4800萬美元。項目投資市場分析:勝芳鎮擁有家具企業1300多家,規模以上企業100多家,年產金屬玻璃家具4500萬(套),涉及4000個品種,產品銷往全國各地,并出口美國、日本、俄羅斯、東南亞、歐盟等50多個國家和地區,出口額以每年30%-40%的速度遞增。招商引資建設條件:勝芳鎮交通十分便捷,區內的道路、供電、通訊、給水、排水、天然氣、寬帶網、土地等基礎設施已經達到了“七通一平”的標準。投資項目效益分析:該項目建設期為1年,項目建成投產后,可年創產值8000萬美元,利稅6000萬元。項目招商機構:勝芳鎮位于京、津、保三角中心腹地,距北京120公里,保定130公里,天津35公里,交通便捷,2005年勝芳鎮成為家具業全國第六個區域性特色基地”中國金屬玻璃家具產業基地”。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯系人:樊國棟 招商引資電話:0086-316-786*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-786*** 招商引資地址:河北省霸州市行政中心1611室 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
The project of Large furniture manufacturing projects
Project Content:The main production of metallic glass furniture or furniture and other products, covers an area of about150 acres .Investment Estimation and Fund Source:The project total investment of $ 48 million .Market Analysis:Shengfang furniture companies have more than1,300, more than100 above-scale enterprises, with an annual output of metal glass furniture 45 million (sets), involving 4,000 varieties of products are sold throughout the country and exported to the United States, Japan, Russia, Southeast Asia, the European Union more than 50 countries and regions, exports 30% -40% annually .Construction Conditions:Shengfang transportation is very convenient, roads, electricity, communications, water supply, drainage, gas, broadband, land and other infrastructure in the region has reached a "seven-level" standard .Benefit Analysis:The project construction period is1 year after the project is completed, the annual output value of 80 million U.S. dollars, profits of 60 million yuan .General Description of Chinese Sponsor:Shengfang town located in Beijing, Tianjin, security triangle centers in the hinterland,120 kilometers from Beijing, Baoding,招商引資電話:130 kilometers, Tianjin, 35 kilometers, the transportation is convenient, 2005 Shengfang furniture industry became the sixth country regional specialties base-"China Metal glass furniture industry base. "
Cooperative Form:Joint ventures, cooperation ContactPerson:FAN Guodong Tel:0086-316-786*** Fax:0086-316-786*** Address:Bazhou administrative center Room1611 Post Code:06*** E-mail:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
招商引資內容:該項目主要生產各類型家具配件,主要應用于金屬玻璃家具、板式家具及各類家具的生產和組裝,占地約100畝。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目計劃總投資3200萬美元。項目投資市場分析:勝芳鎮擁有家具企業1300多家,規模以上企業100多家,年實現產值100億元,年產金屬玻璃家具4500萬(套),涉及辦公用具、教學用品、餐桌餐椅、沙發茶幾等十余類,近4000個品種,產品銷往全國各地,并出口美國、日本、俄羅斯、東南亞、歐盟等50多個國家和地區。勝芳家具企業所用配件目前主要從外地采購,成本偏高,在勝芳建立家具配件生產企業市場前景廣闊。招商引資建設條件:工業區內基礎設施已達到“七通一平”,政策優惠。投資項目效益分析:該項目建成投產后,預計年產值6400萬美元,利稅800萬美元。項目招商機構:勝芳鎮位于京、津、保三角中心腹地,距北京120公里,保定130公里,天津35公里,交通便捷,2005年勝芳鎮成為家具業全國第六個區域性特色基地”中國金屬玻璃家具產業基地”。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作。招商引資聯系人:樊國棟 招商引資電話:0086-316-786*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-786*** 招商引資地址:河北省霸州市行政中心1611室 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
The project of furniture parts production
Project Content:The project mainly produce various types of furniture, accessories, mainly used in metal glass furniture, furniture and all kinds of furniture production and assembly, covering about100 acres .Investment Estimation and Fund Source:The project total investment of $ 32 million .Market Analysis:Shengfang furniture companies have more than1,300, more than100 above-scale enterprises, the annual output value of10 billion yuan, with an annual output of metal glass furniture 45 million (sets), involving office supplies, teaching supplies, dining table, sofa table, more than10 congruence class, nearly 4,000 varieties of products are sold throughout the country and exported to the United States, Japan, Russia, Southeast Asia, the European Union, more than 50 countries and regions .Construction Conditions:Industrial infrastructure in the region has reached a "seven-level", preferential policies .Benefit Analysis:After the completion of the project, the estimated annual output 64 million U.S. dollars, profits of $ 8,000***
General Description of Chinese Sponsor:Sheng Fang town located in Beijing, Tianjin, security triangle centers in the hinterland,120 kilometers from Beijing, Baoding,招商引資電話:130 kilometers, Tianjin, 35 kilometers, the transportation is convenient, 2005 Shengfang furniture industry became the sixth country regional specialties base-"China Metal glass furniture industry base. "
Cooperative Form:Joint venture, cooperation. ContactPerson:Fan Guo Dong Tel:0086-316-786*** Fax:0086-316-786*** Address:Bazhou administrative center Room1611 Post Code:06*** E-mail:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
招商引資內容:本項目擬建于霸州市勝芳經濟開發區。該區域交通便利、地理位置優越,總用地面積為200畝,建筑面積93780平方米,主要建設內容為廠房、倉庫、可研樓、辦公樓及附屬用房等。項目建成后,預計年產帳篷、睡袋、躺椅、烤爐及其他戶外裝備300萬/件套。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目計劃總投資10000萬美元。項目投資市場分析:近年來,釣魚、登山、攀巖、徒步旅行等運動愈來愈受到人們的喜愛。由于戶外運動是一項專業性較強的體育活動,除了對參與者自身體能的要求外,還需要所使用的戶外運動裝備能適應惡劣的天氣和復雜的地理環境,戶外運動裝備因此成為戶外運動安全保證的保護屏障。招商引資建設條件:霸州市勝芳經濟開發區位于環渤海經濟圈中心區,距首都北京120公里,天津35公里,毗鄰首都機場、天津濱海機場和即將建設的首都第二機場,坐擁天津港和京唐港兩大港口,區位優越,交通便利,地理位置得天獨厚,基礎設施健全,達到“九通一平”,已達到承接高科技、外向型的大、中型企業的需求。投資項目效益分析:本項目建成后預計正常年銷售收入可達到人民幣95200萬元,上繳企業所得稅275633萬元,吸納員工2800人。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作或獨資均可 招商引資聯系人:張會 招商引資地址:霸州市勝芳經濟開發區管委會 招商引資電話:0086-316-785*** 招商引資電話:0086-785*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-7859*** E-mail:yqzhaoshang**[ta]**com
The project of outdoor equipment production
Project contents:This project proposed in bazhou metal glass furniture industry park. the total land area of 200 mu, construction area of 93780 square meters, The main construction contents for workshop, warehouse, the feasible building, office building and accessory occupancy, etc. After the completion of the project is expected to produce tents, sleeping bags, chairs, ovens and other outdoor equipment 3 million/sets .Total investment:$100 million
Market analysis:In recent years, fishing, mountain climbing, rock climbing, hiking, sports become more and more popular with people. Due to the outdoor sports is a strong professional sports, except with the participants' own physical requirements, also need to use the outdoor sports equipment can adapt to bad weather and complex geographical environment, outdoor sports equipment making outdoor sports security protective barrier .Construction condition:Bazhou metal glass furniture industrial park is located in the central bohai economic circle,120 kilometers away from the capital, Beijing, tianjin, 35 kilometers, adjacent to the capital airport and tianjin binhai airport and the construction of the second airport in the capital, sit at the tianjin port and jingtang port, the location is superior, the transportation is convenient, unique geographical location, sound infrastructure, achieve "nine connections and one leveling", has to undertake large and medium-sized enterprises of high-tech, export-oriented demand .Economic benefit analysis:After the completion of the project is expected to reach normal annual sales revenue of 952 million yuan, pay enterprise income tax 275633 million yuan, recruit staff of 2800 people .Cooperation way:Joint venture, cooperation ContactPerson:Zhang Hui Address:Bazhou metal glass furniture industry park Tel:0086-316-7859012 785*** Fax:0086-316-785*** E-mail:yqzhaoshang**[ta]**com
機械加工制造生產項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該項目主要生產家具行業、金屬行業及其它行業所需的機械零配件。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目預計投資2000萬美元,占地100畝。項目投資市場分析:勝芳鎮具有家具行業、金屬行業等制造企業5000多家,對于各種機械配件需求量很大。機械加工制造屬于勝芳家具行業、金屬行業產業鏈中的必要環節,市場前景廣闊。招商引資建設條件:勝芳鎮位于京、津、保三角中心腹地,距北京120公里,保定130公里,天津35公里,交通便捷,工業區內基礎設施已達到“七通一平”,政策優惠,服務高效。投資項目效益分析:該項目可實現銷售收入預計3億元,利稅4000萬元 項目招商機構:勝芳鎮位于京、津、保三角中心腹地,距北京120公里,保定130公里,天津35公里,交通便捷。招商引資合作方式:合資或獨資。招商引資聯系人:樊國棟 招商引資電話:0086-316-786*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-786*** 招商引資地址:河北省霸州市行政中心1611室 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
The project of Machinery manufacturing production
Project Content:The project required the production of the furniture industry, metal industry and other sectors of machinery and spare parts .Investment Estimation and Fund Source:The total investment is $ 2 million,covers an area of100 acres .Market Analysis:Katsuyoshi town with the furniture industry, metal industry and other manufacturing enterprises more than 5000, for a variety of mechanical parts in great demand. Machinery manufacturing belong Katsuyoshi furniture industry, metal industry, a necessary part of the industry chain, market prospects .Construction Conditions:Katsuyoshi town located in Beijing, Tianjin, security triangle centers in the hinterland,120 kilometers from Beijing, Baoding,招商引資電話:130 kilometers, Tianjin,
General Description of Chinese Sponsor:Triangle Town Center is located in the hinterland of Katsuyoshi Beijing, Tianjin,120 kilometers away from Beijing, Baoding,招商引資電話:130 kilometers, Tianjin 35 kilometers, the transportation is convenient .Cooperative Form:Joint ventures, cooperation ContactPerson:FAN Guodong Tel:0086-316-786*** Fax:0086-316-786*** Address:Bazhou administrative center Room1611 Post Code:06*** E-mail:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
年產12萬輛愛瑪電動車車架及整車組裝基地項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該項目占地面積60畝,建設廠房22萬平方米,辦公及附屬用房4000平方米。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目計劃總投資2000萬美元。項目投資市場分析:中國電動車的研制生產經歷了十多年的發展,在眾多的產業中獨樹一幟,脫穎而出,形成了江蘇錫山、浙江、天津三大產業集聚區。招商引資建設條件:該項目選址在霸州市區以東4公里112國道南側,區位優勢明顯,道路交通便捷,水、電、氣等配套設施完備。投資項目效益分析:預計年產值1600萬美元,利潤330萬美元。項目招商機構:該項目選址在霸州市區以東4公里112國道南側,區位優勢明顯,道路交通便捷,水、電、氣等配套設施完備。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯系人:樊國棟 招商引資電話:0086-316-786*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-786*** 招商引資地址:河北省霸州市行政中心1611室 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
The project of Annual output of120000 electric vehicle chassis and vehicle assembly of Emma
Project Content:Construction of the project covers an area of 60 mu, building area of 22000 square meters, 4000 square meters of office and accessory occupancy .Investment Estimation and Fund Source:The total investment is $ 20 million .Market Analysis:China's development and production of electric cars has experienced more than ten years of development, in numerous industries, stand out, formed the xishan in jiangsu, zhejiang, tianjin three big industrial concentration area .Construction Conditions:4 kilometers east of the project location in bazhou city south of112 national highway, location advantages obviously, the road traffic is convenient, water, electricity, gas and other supporting facilities .Benefit Analysis:Estimated annual output of $16 million, $ 33 million profit .General Description of Chinese Sponsor:4 kilometers east of the project location in bazhou city south of112 national highway, location advantages obviously, the road traffic is convenient, water, electricity, gas and other supporting facilities .Cooperative Form:Joint venture and cooperation. ContactPerson:Fan Guodong Tel:0086-316-786*** Fax:0086-316-786*** Address:Bazhou administrative center Room1611 Post Code:06*** E-mail:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com
年產216萬套實木家具項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目占地110畝,新建車間廠房、庫房及辦公樓等總建筑面積772846平方米。購置設備493臺(套)。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:總投資4600萬美元,資金構成為企業自籌。項目投資市場分析:市場對高檔家具供應需求將越來越大,只要加大宣傳力度,銷路不暢的問題不會出現,故市場風險較小。招商引資建設條件:河北文安工業園區已具備一定的發展基礎,各項配套設施已逐步完善,信息流暢,地理位置優越。投資項目效益分析:該項目達產后可形成年產216萬套高檔家具生產能力,吸納就業人員480人,實現年銷售收入5800萬美元,利潤1700萬美元,稅金及附加430萬美元。項目招商機構:廊坊風格傳送家具有限公司,是集家具設計、生產和銷售于一體的現代化企業。公司引進了德國、意大利的世界一流家具生產設備與技術。以布藝沙發為主導產品,已有近15年的沙發設計和生產歷史,產品款式多樣,并以完美的造型、優異的質量、合理的價格與優質的售后服務而深受消費者的高度信賴和廣泛好評。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯系人:張亮招商引資電話:1803163*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-865*** 招商引資地址:河北文安工業園區創業路 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:yqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com
The Project of Annually Output of 216000 Sets of Solid Wood Furniture
Project content and scale:the project covers an area of110 mu, the new workshop workshop, warehouse and office buildings, etc. the total construction area of 772846 square meters. The acquisition of equipment (sets) of 493 Investment estimation and capital source:the total investment is 46 million US dollars .Market analysis:People's living standards gradually improve, the market demand for high-grade furniture supply will be greater and greater, as long as the increased publicity, the problem of poor sales will not appear, so the market risk is small Construction conditions:Hebei Industrial Park in Wen'an has a certain basis for development, the supporting facilities have been gradually improved, the information flow, the geographical position is superior .Analysis of economic benefits:the project can be formed after the formation of an annual output of 216 thousand sets of high-grade furniture production capacity, to absorb the employment of 480 people, the annual sales revenue of $58 million, profit $17 million, taxes and additional $4 million 300 thousand
Profile of the Undertaker:Langfang style transfer Furniture Co. Ltd, is a set of furniture design, production and sales of the modern enterprise. The company has introduced
Contact:Zhang Liang Tel:1803163*** Fax:0086-316-865*** Address:Wen'an Industrial Park Road, Hebei Zip code:06*** E-mail:yqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com
招商引資內容:項目占地4698畝,新建車間、庫房及辦公樓、宿舍樓等建筑面積平方米。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目投資總額1763萬美元,資金構成為自籌。項目投資市場分析:本項目的建設符合社會需求的發展趨勢,市場前景廣闊;擬購進的工藝和設備自動化程度高,技術可靠,生產質量有保障;可增加就業機會,緩解就業壓力,社會效益顯著。招商引資建設條件:項目擬建于河北文安工業園區內,該項目選址交通方便,基礎配套設施健全,場址選擇是可行的。投資項目效益分析:該項目達產后吸納就業人員300人,實現年銷售收入2721萬美元,利潤總額261萬美元,稅金52萬美元。項目招商機構:河北優曲家具有限公司,成立于2014年9月22日,住所為河北省廊坊市文安縣工業園區。公司主要是加工銷售板式家具、軟體家具、彎曲木家具、實木家具、辦公家具,銷售日用品、工藝品。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯系人:陳 征招商引資電話:1803262*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-865*** 招商引資地址:河北文安工業園區 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:yqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com
Annual output of 300 thousand sets of solid wood, wood furniture production projects
Project content:the project covers an area of 4698 mu, new workshop, warehouse and office building, dormitory and other construction area of square meters
Investment estimation and capital source:the total investment of the project is17 million 630 thousand US dollars
Market analysis:the project is in conformity with the trend of social development demand, market prospects; quasi technology and automation equipment purchased by high technology and reliable, the production quality is guaranteed; can increase employment opportunities, alleviate the employment pressure, the social benefit is remarkable .Construction conditions:the project is planned to be built in Wen'an Industrial Park in Hebei. The site is convenient for transportation and the basic facilities are perfect .Analysis of economic benefits:the project to absorb 300 employees after the harvest, the annual sales revenue of $27 million 210 thousand, total profit of $2 million 610 thousand, $520 thousand tax .Overview of the Chinese contractors:Hebei excellent song Furniture Co. Ltd, founded in September 22, 2014, the Langfang City, Hebei Province home county industrial park. The company mainly processing and sales of furniture, upholstered furniture, wood furniture, wood furniture, office furniture, sales of daily necessities, arts and crafts .Mode of cooperation:joint venture, cooperation can be .Contact:Chen Zheng Tel:1803262*** Fax:0086-316-865*** Address:Wen'an Industrial Park Zip code:06*** E-mail:yqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com