色偷偷av男人的天堂,亚洲 欧美 激情 小说 另类,激情综合五月,国产精品亚洲成在人线

來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

德克薩斯大學泰勒分校(泰勒)成立于1971年,是一所州立大學。由人文及科學學院、商業(yè)與技術學院、教育與心理學學院、工程與計算機技術學院、護理與生命科學學院組成。 德克薩斯大學泰勒校區(qū)是一所男女同校的公立大學,位于美國德克薩斯州的泰勒。學校為德克薩斯大學系統(tǒng)的一部分。學校由四個專業(yè)學院和一個傳統(tǒng)的藝術與科學學院組成,提供超過90個學士、碩士和博士課程。學校已經(jīng)過南方學院和學校協(xié)會的認證。現(xiàn)有9700名學生,學生和教師比為161,該校是一個緊湊公園般的校園。泰勒人口超過100000,泰勒的湖泊和森林是東德州的自然之美。泰勒周邊的景點包括泰勒公園,野生動物保戶老虎溪,泰勒市場中心,布魯斯節(jié),科學廣場,泰勒藝術館等多個個景點。

創(chuàng)辦時間 公元1971

所屬地區(qū) 美國德克薩斯州泰勒市

類別 州立大學

中文名 德克薩斯大學泰勒分校(泰勒) 英文名 University of Texas at Tyler 泰勒 創(chuàng)辦時間 公元1971 州立大學 所屬地區(qū) 美國德克薩斯州泰勒市 主管部門 德克薩斯大學 主要院系 人文及科學學院、商業(yè)與技術學院、教育與心理學學院、工程與計算機技術學院、護理與生命科學學院 學校地址 美國德克薩斯州泰勒市




最低年齡 學歷要求 平均分及說明

無明確要求 高中畢業(yè) 無明確要求













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Brittany Childs






Name Job Title Department Location Email Ph***

Abbey, Suzanne Professional Librarian Library LIB 207 sabbey**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Abbey, Donna Administrative Assistant III Music FAC 2212 dabbey**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Abdelaziz, May Clinical Assistant Professor College of Pharmacy WTB 368 MAbdelaziz**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Abrams, Dalton Information Technology Coordinator II Ingenuity Center ING dabrams**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 730-***


Adams, Katie Site Coordinator Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) ING kkinsey**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 705-***


Adams, Marie Budget & Reporting Analyst II Budget and Financial Reporting ADM 365 madams**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Adams, Zachary Administrative Assistant II Ingenuity Center ADM 360 zadams**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 730-***


Al-Rousan, Rabaa Associate Professor College of Pharmacy WTB 346 RAlrousan**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Albert, Marilyn Director of Career Services Career Services BEP 222A malbert**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Alfred, Danita Associate Professor of Nursing Nursing BRB 1160 dalfred**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Ali, Mohammed Associate Professor Technology LUC 218 MohammedAli**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 663-***


Alkhateeb, Fadi Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Associate Professor College of Pharmacy WTB 328 FAlkhateeb**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Allen, Kristie BAAS Coordinator Office of Degree Completion University College LIB 127G kallen**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Allen, Nathan School Teacher Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) ING/PAL nallen**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 727-***


Allen, Lorri Advisor To Student Newspaper & Senior Lecturer Communication MB2 1100 lorriallen**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Alvarez, Carlos Academic Advisor II Academic Success UC 3445 calvarez**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Alvarez, Taylor Benefits Manager Human Resources ADM 113 talvarez**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Amaral Back, Alyssa Senior Computer Equipment Maintenance Technician Nursing BRB 2245 aamaral**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Anders, Katie Assistant Professor Mathematics RBN 4046 kanders**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Andrews, Gail Administrative Assistant III Art and Art History ARC 122 gandrews**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Arce-Esquivel, Arturo Assistant Professor Health and Kinesiology HPC 2200B aarce**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Archer, Kassie Assistant Professor Mathematics RBN 4008 karcher**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Armstrong, Tyler Academic Advisor II Admissions HEC tarmstrong**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Armstrong, Andrew Director of Media Production Marketing and Communications LIB 121 AArmstrong**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Arnold, Althea Senior Lecturer Construction Management RBS 1035 aarnold**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Ashcraft, Cameron School Teacher Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) ING/LGV cashcraft**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 663-***


Astakhova, Marina Assistant Professor of Management Management and Marketing BUS 123 mastakhova**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Atchley, Jamie School Teacher Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) ING/PAL JAtchley**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 727-***


Azghani, Ali Professor Biology BEP 105 AAzghani**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-7332, LAB ***

Back, Sharon Amaral Instructional and Evaluation Support Specialist College of Education and Psychology BEP 222B sback**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Back, Randy Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry RBN 4047 RBack**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Bacon, Launa Budget and Reporting Analyst II Budget and Financial Reporting ADM 361 LBacon**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bailey, Danielle Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Social Sciences BUS 228 dbailey**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bailey, Nan Lecturer Mathematics RBN 4009 NBailey**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Balderrama, Stacy Project Mgr Ingenuity Center ING sbalderrama**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 617-***


Ballard, Elaine Clinical Associate Professor Nursing True North Health Center, Jacksonville SBallard**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 541-***


Ballard, Brandi Safety Specialist I Environmental Health and Safety USC 135 BrandiBallard**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Ballard, Joyce Retiree Health & Kinesiology HPC 3085 JBallard**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Banta, Joshua Associate Professor Biology BEP 109 jbanta**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Barge, Kimberly Programmer Analyst Information Technology USC 106 karagon**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bari, Abdullahel Assistant Professor of Management Management and Marketing BUS 122 abari**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Barké, Charles Chair and Professor Psychology and Counseling HPR 227 CBarke**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Barké, Rosemary Senior Lecturer Psychology and Counseling HPR 208 RBarke**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Barnson, Andrew Assistant Director of Enrollment Services/Graduation Help Desk Coordinator Enrollment Management ADM 230 abarnson**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Batman, Richard Senior Lecturer in Physics Chemistry and Biochemistry RBN 4045 rbatman**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Battle, Emily Senior Editorial Specialist and University Magazine Managing Editor Marketing and Communications USC 143H EBattle**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Baxter-Jones, Faye Buyer I Financial Services ADM 122B fjones**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Beal, Brent Associate Professor of Management Management and Marketing BUS 130 bbeal**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Beall, Pamela Special Programs Manager Registrar's Office ADM 215 PBeall**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Beams, David Associate Professor Electrical Engineering RBN 2010 dbeams**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Beard, Amanda Administrative Assistant III Office of International Programs UC 2160 AmandaBeard**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Bearden, Clifford Assistant Professor Mathematics RBN 4004 CBearden**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Beckham, Jon Associate Professor Mathematics RBN 4012 RBeckham**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bedan, April Admissions Data Specialist II Admissions USC 142 abedan**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Beddingfield, Donna Administrative Services Officer I Physical Plant PHY 104 DBeddingfield**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Beebe, Ann Associate Professor of English Literature and Languages BUS 250 ABeebe**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Belew, Jennifer Lecturer Chemistry and Biochemistry RBS 3013 JenniferBelew**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bell, Jennifer Educational Technology Support Specialist Office of Digital Learning LIB 128 JenniferBell**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bell, Patty Student Affairs Coordinator College of Pharmacy WTB 120 pbell**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Berman, Lou Ann Assistant Vice President for Assessment/Institutional Effectiveness Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness ADM 378 LBerman**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Bettinger, Bruce Scholarship Coordinator II Enrollment Management ADM 230B BBettinger**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Betts, Vicki Professional Librarian Library LIB 221 vbetts**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bextine, Blake Alt Assigmt - Ind Research Biology; Office of Research and Technology Transfer BEP 107 BBextine**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bextine, Barbara Research Associate Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) ING barbarabextine**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Bill, Ashley Executive Director of Academic Success Academic Success LIB 424 abill**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Bill, Brent Assistant Professor Biology HPR 107 bbill**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Bishop, Nancy Clinical Instructor Nursing BRB 2060 NTorre**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Biswas, Mohammad Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering HEC A214 mbiswas**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Black, Shaun Senior Lecturer Chemistry and Biochemistry RBS 3029 SBlack**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Blackerby, Amber Communications Operator University Police USC 125 ABlackerby**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bloodsworth, Heather Testing Specialist Student Services UC 3160 hbloodsworth**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Bloomquist, Wes Sports Information Coordinator Athletics PHE 210E wbloomquist**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Blundell, Sydni Special Assistant to Dean/Assistant Graduate Coordinator Graduate Admissions BEP 223 sblundell**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bock, Gregory Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion Literature and Languages BUS 245 gbock**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Bond, Vicky Director of Scheduling and Conference Services Student Affairs OAC 119 VBond**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Bonilla, Kerry Administrative Assistant II Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) ING KBonilla**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 730-***


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