色偷偷av男人的天堂,亚洲 欧美 激情 小说 另类,激情综合五月,国产精品亚洲成在人线

來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

NGA最佳實踐中心的經濟機會部門提供信息,研究、政策分析、技術援助和資源開發的州長和員工通過一系列的政策問題。 部門涵蓋經濟發展和創新;勞動力發展關注自從策略;途徑就業和有特殊需要的人群,和人類服務孩子,青春,低收入家庭和殘疾人。

About the Economic Opportunity Division

The NGA Center for Best Practices Economic Opportunity (EO) Division provides information, research,

policy analysis, technical assistance and resource development on key issues relevant to governors and

their staff across a range of current and emerging issues. These issues include economic development

and innovation, workforce development, including employment and training services, postsecondary

education, and human services for children, youth, low-income families and people with disabilities.

Focus areas include:

? Innovation and Economic Growth

? Place-based Initiatives

? Entrepreneurship and New Businesses Development

? Strategies for Global Trade and Investment

? Two-generation State Policy to Improve Family Economic Opportunity

? Safe Reduction of Children in Foster Care

? Youth in Transition

? Reducing Poverty and Improving Family Economic Opportunity

? Improving the Human Services Delivery System

? Improving Outcomes for Justice-Involved Youth

Postsecondary Education

? Evaluating Postsecondary Education Outcomes

? College and Career Readiness

? Credential attainment

? Talent Pipeline

Workforce Development

? Career Pathways

? Disability Employment

? Future of Work: Gig/On-Demand


? Occupational Licensing

? Sector Strategies

? State Workforce Boards

? Veterans’ Employment

? Work-based Learning and


? Workforce Innovation and Opportunity

Act (WIOA) Implementation

? Workforce System Administration

Learning and Networking Opportunities for Governors’ Policy Advisors

The EO Division offers a variety of learning and networking opportunities via meetings, conference calls

and webinars. Most policy advisors find great value in learning about innovative policies and strategies

from states addressing similar issues as well as neighboring states with similar demographic makeup.

Division staff facilitate this through:

? Policy Advisors’ Institutes

? Policy Academies and Learning Labs

? Conference Calls

? Webinars

? Email Message Ale***

? Newsletters

Technical Assistance for Governors’ Policy Advisors

EO division staff provide tailored technical assistance to respond to the needs of governors and policy

advisors in the areas of economic development, human services, postsecondary education, workforce

development and related issues. Division staff use information about best practices, on-site problem

analysis and advice from colleagues across the country to quickly and effectively respond to governors

and their teams. The assistance can come in many forms, including a confidential memo on a specific

policy, on-site assistance, review of draft legislation, input on a state of the state address or providing

outside experts to help the governor’s office move its agenda.

Resources for Governors’ Policy Advisors

The EO Division conducts detailed research and publishes a variety of documents on economic, human

services, postsecondary education and workforce issues across the entire spectrum of our

responsibilities. All documents are published in-house and target governors, their advisors, and

executive branch agencies. The types of documents include:

? Issue Briefs and Papers: The EO Division develops focused documents that provide an

analysis of issue-specific state policies or trends and include lessons and recommendations.

? Reports: The EO Division develops longer research documents that provide a more in-depth

examination of topics.

? Newsletters: The programs within the EO Division-Economic Development, Workforce

Development and Human Services-each develop and disseminate newsletters to state

policymakers that include calendar updates, opportunities for meetings and grants, current

policy actions underway in states, state best practices and recently released reports of

interest to states in each issue area.

? Expert Consultation and Technical Assistance: The EO Division provides tailored policy

research and responds to requests by providing written summaries or consultations that offer

policy insights including examples of approaches from other states.


Economic Opportunity Division Contacts













Geoffrey King




Kimberley Meinert







Mike Bartlett




Stephen Harrington




Kimberly Hauge




Curtis Smith





Coordinator dwoods**[ta]**.org



For more information about the work of the Economic Opportunity Division and access

to recent publications, please visit the division’s page on the NGA website at



NGA最佳實踐教育中心部門提供信息,研究、政策分析、技術援助和資源開發領域的州長和員工童年早期,k - 12和高等教育。 該部門的重點是幫助總監制定有效政策,支持領域的實施:早期教育,準備和質量;《共同核心州立標準》,科學技術,工程和數學和相關評估;教師和領導有效性;能力學習,特許學校;數據和問責制;和高等(高等教育和勞動力培訓)訪問,成功,生產力,責任和負擔能力。 相關部門還在政策問題上橋接系統將在兒童早期,k - 12教育和勞動力系統。

About the Education Division

The NGA Center for Best Practices Education Division provides information, research, policy analysis,

technical assistance and modest financial support on key issues relevant to governors and their staff in

the areas of early childhood, K-12, and postsecondary education. The division focuses on helping

governors develop policy and support its implementation in the areas of:

? Early education to third-grade access, readiness, talent, and quality

? Teacher/principal preparation, professional development and compensation

? College and career-training standards and assessments, and Science, Technology, Engineering

and Math (STEM)

? Competency-based learning and charter schools

? Finance, data, and accountability (including efficiency, effectiveness, and underfunded liabilities)

The division also works on policy issues related to bridging the system divides among the early

childhood, K-12, postsecondary, and workforce development systems. Division staff have strong

expertise and experience and are dedicated to helping governors and education. policy advisors

successfully meet the challenges they face.

The Education Division offers a variety of learning and networking opportunities via meetings,

conference calls, and webinars. Most education policy advisors find great value in learning about

innovative policies and strategies from states addressing similar issues as well as neighboring states

with similar demographic makeup. Division staff facilitates this through:

? Policy Institutes, Academies, and Learning Labs: The meetings feature guest speakers, training

on relevant key issues, and opportunities to learn from each other and from NGA staff.

Throughout the year, various policy academies, policy institutes, and learning labs are

convened to provide more in-depth investigations into relevant policy issues.

? Webinars: Webinars are a unique way for education policy advisors to receive important

briefings without leaving their desks. Experts share information with them on time-sensitive

? Conference calls: Conference calls for education and senior policy staff in the governors’

offices, which include a robust agenda of informative briefings and discussions. Calls provide

a forum to inform the work of the division, learn from NGA staff, and share lessons, ideas, and

solutions with colleagues.

? Email Message Alerts: The only email listserv of all governors’ education policy staff used***

regularly update members on the latest education news, important messages, calendar

information, meeting agendas, and legislative updates.

NGA staff provide tailored technical assistance to respond to the needs of governors and education

policy advisors. Division staff use research, information about best practices, on-site problem analysis,

and advice from colleagues across the country to quickly and effectively respond to governors and their

team. The assistance can come in many forms, including a confidential memo on specific policy, on-site

assistance, review of draft legislation, input on a state of the state address, or providing outside experts

The Education Division synthesizes research and best practices and publishes a variety of documents

on education issues across the entire spectrum of education topics. All documents are published inhouse

and target governors and their advisors. The types of documents include:

? Issue Briefs and Papers: The Education Division provides focused documents that provide an

? Reports: The Education Division provides longer research documents that provide a more indepth

? Expert Consultation and Technical Assistance: The Education Division provides tailored policy

Education Division Contacts





Jared Billings







Danny Carlson




Mandy Sorge




Samantha Tankersley




April Mellion

Project Coordinator amellion**[ta]**.org



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