(OXCSSA Standing Committee Members)
Jiawei Min 閔佳偉
Position (職務): President (主席)
In charge of coordination and overall organization(負責統籌協調全面工作)
College (學院): Wadham College
Discipline (專業): Mathematics and Statistics
Email: jiawei.
一句話自我展示: 讀萬卷書,行萬里路。
Cheng Ge 葛誠
Position (職務): Executive Vice President (常務副主席)
Assist the President in overseeing all aspects of Organization and in charge of Academic Division(協助主席、分管學術部)
College (學院): St Anne’s College
Discipline (專業): Biomedical Engineering
Email: cheng.
一句話自我展示: 絜矩之道,戒急用忍;擇善固執,推己及人。
Tiantian Jia 賈甜甜
Position (職務): Vice President (副主席)
In Charge of Entertainment and Sports division and Visiting Scholars division (負責文體部和訪問學者部)
College (學院): Linacre College
Discipline (專業): Chemistry
Email: tiantian.
一句話自我展示: 堅強、獨立、自信、微笑。
Yu Mu 穆煜
Position (職務): Vice President (副主席)
In charge of career division, IT division and career information platform.(負責就業部,IT部和就業信息平臺)
College (學院): University College
Discipline (專業): Mathematics and Statistics
Email: yu.
一句話自我展示: 謙虛但不謙卑。
Sean Shuo Xu 許碩
Position (職務): Vice President (副主席)
In charge of Public Relations Division, Tourism Division and Contact with Oxford Alumni Office. (負責公共關系部,旅游部)
College (學院): Lincoln College
Discipline (專業): Materials Science
Email: shuo.
一句話自我展示: 人與人之間最大的信任是精誠相見。
Danni Zhu 朱丹尼
Position (職務): Secretary-general (秘書長)
In charge of secretariat, human resource and internal affairs (負責秘書處,人力資源及內部聯絡)
College (學院): Green Templeton College
Discipline (專業): Pharamacology
Email: danni.
一句話自我展示: 仁者不憂,智者不惑,勇者不懼。
Xiang LIU 劉翔
Position (職務): Secretary-General (秘書長)
College (學院): Jesus College
Discipline (專業): Engineering Science
一句話自我展示: 雙魚座哪是一句話就展示得完的?:)
Yijun HOU 侯藝郡
Position (職務): Deputy Secretary-General (副秘書長)
College (學院): University College
Discipline (專業): Engineering Science
Email: yijun.
一句話自我展示: 三人行必有我師。
Naixin ZHANG 張乃馨
Position (職務): Deputy Secretary-General (副秘書長)
College (學院): Lady Margaret Hall
Discipline (專業): Mathematics
Email: naixin.
一句話自我展示: Life’s too short to be anybody else.
Weian ZOU 鄒維安
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): University College
Discipline (專業): Mathematics and Statistics
一句話自我展示: 不求與人相比,但求超越自己
Yuxi YAO 姚宇曦
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): University College
Discipline (專業): Engineering Science
一句話自我展示: 路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索
Jing YU 于婧
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): St. Peter’s College
Discipline (專業): Mathematics
Wesley MOK 莫肇祺
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): St. Cross College
Discipline (專業): MSc Mathematical and Computational Finance
一句話自我展示: 要拼才會贏。
Jianfei FENG 馮健飛
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): Hertford College
Discipline (專業): Chemical Biology
一句話自我展示: 得其大者可以兼其小
Haoran LIU 劉浩然
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): Green Templeton College
Discipline (專業): Education
一句話自我展示: 全力以赴,不留遺憾。
Shuai ZHENG 鄭帥
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): St Catherine’s College
Discipline (專業): Engineering Science
Email: Shuai.
一句話自我展示: There is a will, there is a way. (有志者事竟成!)
Yao LI 李瑤
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): St. Anne’s College
Discipline (專業): Contemporary Chinese Studies
一句話自我展示: 你若盛開,清風自來。
Yarui ZHOU 周婭睿
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): New college
Discipline (專業): Master of Jurisprudence (MJur)
一句話自我展示: 予人玫瑰,手有余香。
Sheng CHEN 陳晟
Position (職務): Secretary (秘書)
College (學院): Lady Margaret Hall
Discipline (專業): Engineering
一句話自我展示: 快樂生活每一天。
Zuliang HONG 洪祖梁
Position (職務): Treasurer (財長)
College (學院): St Anne’s College
Discipline (專業): Materials Science
Email: zuliang.
一句話自我展示: Keep going!
Zhipeng SHEN 申志鵬
Position (職務): Director (部長)
College (學院): Exeter College
Discipline (專業): Engineering Science
Email: zhipeng.
一句話自我展示: 志存高遠,鵬程萬里。
Liwen TU 涂荔文
Position (職務): Deputy Director (副部長)
College (學院): Wolfson college
Discipline (專業): Traditional East Asia Studies
Email: liwen.
一句話自我展示: 凡心所向,素履所往。生如逆旅,一葦以航。
Ren KANG 康韌
Position (職務): Deputy Director (副部長)
College (學院): St Hilda’s College
Discipline (專業): Engineering Science
一句話自我展示: 路是自己選的,就要堅持走下去。
Tong WU 吳桐
Position (職務): Committee Member (干事)
College (學院): Green Templeton College
Discipline (專業): Business/Management
一句話自我展示: 四海之內皆兄弟。
Ziyuan HAN 韓梓原
Position (職務): Committee Member (干事)
College (學院): Trinity College
Discipline (專業): Materials Science
一句話自我展示: 功不唐捐。
Zeping ZHU 朱澤平
Position (職務): Committee Member (干事)
College (學院): Regent’s Park College
Discipline (專業): Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Email: zeping.
一句話自我展示: 寒剎飛處,憑欄怎怕風雷怒
Yi MO 莫易
Position (職務): Committee Member (干事)
College (學院): St Antony’s College
Discipline (專業): History
Email: yi.
一句話自我展示: 究天人之際,通古今之變,成一家之言。
Xue JIAO 焦雪
Position (職務): Committee Member (干事)
College (學院): St Hilda’s college
Discipline (專業): Chemistry
Email: xue.-hildas.ox.ac.uk
一句話自我展示: 機會總是留給有準備的人。
Liu SHI 施榴
Position (職務): Committee Member (干事)
College (學院): Oxford Brookes
Discipline (專業): Economics, Politics and International Relations
一句話自我展示: 浮舟滄海,立馬昆侖
Cen ZHANG 張岑
Position (職務): Committee Member (干事)
College (學院): Pembroke college
Discipline (專業): Biomedical Engineering
一句話自我展示: 克終者蓋寡,吾將持之而求成。
Yufei MA 馬譽菲
Position (職務): Committee Member (干事)
College (學院): St. Peter’s college
Discipline (專業): Mathematics
Email: yufei.
一句話自我展示: 如果愛讓我們脆弱,它也一定能使我們更強壯。