色偷偷av男人的天堂,亚洲 欧美 激情 小说 另类,激情综合五月,国产精品亚洲成在人线

來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Hanka Köppen

金融經濟| | - Walter-Raymond-Stiftung ISWA稅收

Priorities include: finance policy,statistics,economic situation and structural analysis,macroeconomic figures,income policy,Walter-Raymond-Stiftung: analysis of regulatory and society policy issues,interdisciplinary colloquiums,organisation of ISWA seminars


Economy | Finance | Taxes:

Fundamental economic issues linked to income policy

Regulatory policy implications of economic and social policy


Fundamental finance policy issues: public finances,particular issues linked to wage and income tax,employee participation

Capital formation



Academic colloquiums and events on issued relating to economic and social change

Cooperation with academic institutions in the fields of economy,politics and culture



Organisation and implementation of seminars on education and training of employees from worker federations,business federations,chambers of commerce and companies

E-Mail: volkswirtschaft**[ta]**eitgeber.de

E-Mail Walter-Raymond-Stiftung: WRSt**[ta]**eitgeber.de

E-Mail ISWA: info**[ta]**A-online.de

T +49 30 2033-***

F +49 30 2033-***



Dr. Oliver Perschau


Deputy Director

Benjamin Koller


Senior Advisers

Dr. Marion Eberlein


Alexander Humbert



Kornelia Wendt


Joint secretariat

Cornelia Hentschel


Ellen Dumschat


Priorities include: early education,school education,cooperation “SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT”,higher education,vocational education and training,learning values,European education policy

Education,general: permeability of education system,quality through more competition and independence of education institutes,strengthening of MINT education

Early education: education and upbringing plans,qualification of nursery personnel,individual (language) support

School: education standards,secondary education,vocational guidance/cooperation “SchuleWirtschaft”,economic education,all-day school,teacher education,value training

Vocational education and training: structure development,new professions and qualifications,training pact,European education policy

Higher education: Bologna process,university financing,quality assurance/accreditation,access to higher education,quaternary education

Vocational education and training: training market/training pact,structure development,modernisation of training professions,vocational school,further education

European education policy: mobility,transparency instruments (EQR,ECVET/ECTS)

E-Mail: bildung**[ta]**eitgeber.de

T +49 30 2033-***

F +49 30 2033-***



Dr. Barbara Dorn

Deputy Director

Dr. Donate Kluxen-Pyta

Dr. Irene Seling

Senior Advisers

Dr. Lena Behmenburg

Yvonne Kohlmann

Dr. Isabel Rohner

Frank Umberg

Katharina Weinert


Katja Rasch

Irena Ferratusco


Sevim Ünal


Priorities include: European social policy,EU economic governance,implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy,European social dialogue,corporate social responsibility

Social policy in the European and international context

Interest representation vis-à-vis national,European and international institutions


Interest representation vis-à-vis international organisations (ILO,OECD,UN)

Bilateral relations with foreign employer organisations

Corporate social responsibility,business and human rights


E-Mail: europa**[ta]**eitgeber.de

T +49 30 2033-***

F +49 30 2033-1***



Managing Director

Renate Hornung-Draus


Deputy Directors

Antje Gerstein


Paul Noll


Senior Advisers

Martin Kums***


John F. Schilling


Michael Stiefel



Bianca Voyé


Maria Scheibner


Konstanze Wilgusch



The German Business Representation:


E-Mail Office Brussels: bruessel**[ta]**eitgeber.de

T +32 2 792***

F +32 2 792***



Dipl.-Geogr. Antje Gerstein


Senior Advisers

Dipl.-Pol. Séverine Féraud


Anne Meister M.A.


Ass. Eric Veillerobe


Ass. Brigitte De Vita


Office Manager

Astrid Schwarz

Monika Langhals

EU Transparency register no 774951970***



Priorities include: company and business co-determination,protection against dismissal,individual labour legislation,working time models,working time accounts,reducing bureaucracy in international and European legislation


E-Mail: arbeitsrecht**[ta]**eitgeber.de

T +49 30 2033-***

F +49 30 2033-***



Managing Director

Roland Wolf


Deputy Director

Thomas Prinz


Senior Advisers

Eva Barlage-Melber


Nicola Busch


Margrit Nölke


Kerstin Plack


Dr. Anita Schmitz-Witte


Stefan Sträßer


Editor SAE

Franziska Caroline Lerch


Beate Murtezani


Antje Wermann



Manuela Hahn


Gisela Heinzmann


Marion Hirte


Maria Kislat


Priorities include: fundamental labour market issues,reform of unemployment insurance,immigration,demography and older workers

Labour market and employment policy

Unemployment insurance

German labour office

Employment intermediation

Unemployment benefit II

Low-pay sector

Combined income

Labour market statistics

Immigration and employment of foreigners

Disability and rehabilitation policy

Illegal employment

Insolvency money

Company personnel policy

Demographic trends and inclusion of older workers

Work-life balance

Equality of opportunity


E-Mail: arbeitsmarkt**[ta]**eitgeber.de

T +49 30 2033-***

F +49 30 2033-***


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