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來(lái)源:網(wǎng)群國(guó)際    瀏覽:

National youth organisation Omladinski Kreativni Centar OKCE Serbia http://www.okce.webs.com okce.pador**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Omladinski savez Srbije OSS Serbia http://www.omladinskisavezsrbije.org/ оmladinskisavezsrbije**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Omnis Factum Associação OFA Portugal http://www.omnisfactum**[ta]**gspot.pt omnisfactum**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Open communication OK Serbia http://www.ok.org.rs/ info**[ta]**org.rs

National youth organisation Opera Circus Limied OC United Kingdom http://www.operacircusuk.com tina**[ta]**racircus.co.uk

Local youth organisation OpportUNITY OpportUNITY United Kingdom opportunityuk.org magdalena**[ta]**ortunityuk.org

International youth organisation Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions OBESSU Belgium www.obessu.org secretariat**[ta]**ssu.org

National youth organisation ORGANIZATION FOR CULTURAL COLLABORATION INTERKULTURA INTERKULTURA "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" www.interkultura.org.mk interculture.info**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Organization for Development and Democracy ORD Bujanovac Serbia http://www.infoaktivist.org.rs ordbujanovac**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Osez le féminisme 67 OLF67 France http://www.osezlefeminisme.fr/ osezlefeminismebasrhin**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Pailton and District Young Farmers Club PailtonYFC United Kingdom toby.france**[ta]**stal-visions.co.uk

Local youth organisation Palace and Cultural Network PACUNET Finland http://www.pacunet.fi/ fondowalter**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Pan European Alliance Georgia PEAG Georgia PEAGeorgia**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation PARCOURS LE MONDE - GRAND EST PLM-GE France http://www.parcourslemonde.org/ contact.grandest**[ta]**courslemonde.org

National youth organisation Parlement Européen des Jeunes - France PEJ - France France http://www.pejfrance.org info**[ta]**france.org

National youth organisation Parlement Européen des Jeunes-France PEJ-France France http://www.pejfrance.org administration**[ta]**france.org

Local youth organisation Patient And Love PALCO United Kingdom patientandlovecharity**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation PeacePlayers Cyprus PPI CY Cyprus www.peaceplayersintl.org cyprus**[ta]**ceplayersintl.org

National youth organisation Peer Educators Network PEN Other http://www.ngo-pen.org info**[ta]**-pen.org

National youth organisation People and Planet PaP United Kingdom http://www.peopleandplanet.org chris.jarvis**[ta]**pleandplanet.org

Local youth organisation People for Europe PFE Romania http://www.peopleforeurope.org contact**[ta]**pleforeurope.org

Local youth organisation PEOPLE IN FOCUS PIF Albania http://www.peopleinfocus.org peopleinfocusalbania**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation People to People Serbia P2P Serbia Serbia people2people.serbia**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Per Esempio xesempio Italy http://www.peresempionlus.org ass.peresempio**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Perpetuum Mobile PerpetuumM Bosnia and Herzegovina http://www.pm.rs.ba perpetuum-mobile**[ta]**c.net

Local youth organisation Perspectiva Perspectiva Republic of Moldova aoperspectiva.org ao_perspectiva**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Petersburg Charitable Public Organization For Children and Adults With Disabilities Shag Navstrechu Shag Navstrechu Russian Federation http://www.shag-navstrechu.ru fr-grant**[ta]**g-navstrechu.ru

International network of youth organisations Phiren Amenca International Network PA-Net Belgium www.phirenamenca.eu info**[ta]**renamenca.eu

Local youth organisation Phrani Phrani Georgia phrani.ngo**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Plast - National Scout Organization of Ukraine Plast - NSOU Ukraine http://www.plast.org.ua international**[ta]**st.org.ua

National youth organisation Plattform Generation Europa Generation Europa Austria http://www.generationeuropa.eu office**[ta]**erationeuropa.eu

Local youth organisation Pokret mladih snaga - Young forces movement YFMSRB Serbia youngforcesmovement**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Pokret za evropski razvoj obrazovanja PERO Serbia https://www.facebook.com/pokretpero?fref=ts PERO info**[ta]**retpero.rs

Local youth organisation Polisportiva Rubin Carter ASD Rubin Carter Italy http://www.panweb.eu/rubincarter polisportivarubincarter**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Poplar Trees Jablani Croatia http://www.jablani.hr jablani.poplartrees**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Positive Personal Skills in Society PULSE Bulgaria http://www.pulsfoundation.org/en/home/ pulse.women**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Post-Conflict Research Center PCRC Bosnia and Herzegovina http://www.p-crc.org/ pcrc.bih**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation PRAKSIS PRAKSIS Greece http://www.praksis.gr info**[ta]**ksis.gr

National youth organisation PRISMS PRISMS Malta http://www.prismsmalta.com prisms.malta**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Prison Watch Public Association PW Azerbaijan www.azpenalreform.az office**[ta]**enalreform.az

Local youth organisation Progressive Youth for Community Development NGO PYCD NGO Armenia pycd.ngo**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare PVN Albania http://www.pvnalbania.org info**[ta]**albania.org

Local youth organisation Projektų akademija Projektu akademija Lithuania http://www.projektuakademija.com/ info**[ta]**jektuakademija.com

Local youth organisation PRONI Center for youth development PRONI Bosnia and Herzegovina www.pronibrcko.ba pronibrc**[ta]**l.net

Local youth organisation Public Organization "Invalidiv "Rodyna" NGO Rodyna Ukraine http://www.rodyna.org/ helen.manko**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Public Organization ''Ukrainian Gender Initiative'' UGI Ukraine ukrainian.gender.initiative**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Qendra Rinore "Ardhmëria-Klinë" QRAK Other http://www.ycardhmeria.com info**[ta]**rdhmeria.com

Local youth organisation Qendra Rinore e Vlores VYC Albania http://www.vlorayouthcenter.org vlorayouthcenter**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Qendra Thurje Nisma Thurje Albania http://www.thurje.org info**[ta]**rje.org

National youth organisation Rede Portuguesa de Jovens para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens REDE Portugal geral**[ta]**ejovensigualdade.org.pt

Local youth organisation Regional Alliance of Young Women Public Union RAYW Azerbaijan r-publicunion**[ta]**bler.ru

Local youth organisation Regional Association of Youth Initiatives AIRA Georgia http://www.airageorgia.webs.com/ aira.georgia**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Regional Charity Foundation "Return to Life" NGO "Return to Life" Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/pages/ОБФ-Повернення-до-ж olenkaost1**[ta]**.net

National youth organisation Regional Endeavour for Art Culture and Health REACH Serbia http://www.reach.org.rs info**[ta]**ch.org.rs

Local youth organisation Regional public organization "Center for youth initiatives of the Republic of Mari EL" Center for Youth Russian Federation mari.youthcenter**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Regional Volunteer Centre RCW Poland http://www.centrumwolontariatu.eu kontakt**[ta]**trumwolontariatu.eu

Local youth organisation Regionalna Romska Obrazovna Mladinska Asocijacija RROMA "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.rromassn.org info**[ta]**massn.org

National youth organisation Republican Public Organization "Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs" RPO BelAU Belarus http://www.belau.info/en/ info**[ta]**au.info

National youth organisation Republican youth organization Civil Forum CF Belarus http://www.civilforum.eu, civilforum.by belaruscivilforum**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Republican Youth Public Organisation “League of Youth Voluntary Service” RYPO “LYVS” Belarus http://www.lyvs.bn.by/ oartsiukh**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Research and promotion center RAPC Serbia http://www.centarzapromociju.mojsajt.rs/ sportworldgroup**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Research-Intellectual Club "Dialogue of Generations" RICDOG Georgia http://www.ricdog.org ricdog**[ta]**e.com

Local youth organisation Rhodopaea - Balkanica Association R - BA Bulgaria pepapeeva**[ta]**oo.com

National youth organisation RHODOPE CENTER FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RCCD Bulgaria www.rccd-bg.org rccd**[ta]**dope-center.org

National youth organisation Robert Schuman Foundation - Georgia RSFGeorgia Georgia http://www.rsfgeorgia.ge rsfgeorgia**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Roma Initiative for Sustainable Development RIZOR Serbia http://www.https://www.facebook.com/rizorbg/ rizorbg**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Roma National Center CNR Republic of Moldova http://www.roma.md radita**[ta]**.md

Local youth organisation Roma Youth Centre RYC "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" info_romayouthcentre**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Romanian Association for Counselling and Support ARCS RO Romania http://www.arcs.ro office**[ta]**s.ro

Local youth organisation Romédia Alapítvány RF Hungary http://www.romediafoundation.org katalin.barsony**[ta]**ediafoundation.org

Local youth organisation Rotaract club Nis Naissus RAC Nis Naissus Serbia http://www.magazinzdravo.rs/ rac.nis.naissus**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Rromane Sikliovne RSK Spain http://www.estudiantsgitanos.org estudiants.rromane**[ta]**il.com

International youth organisation Rural Youth Europe RYEurope Finland www.ruralyoutheurope.com office**[ta]**alyoutheurope.com

National youth organisation SCI German Branch SCI GERMAN Germany www.sci-d.de john.myers**[ta]**-d.de

National youth organisation Scout Association of Macedonia SIM "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.scout.org.mk sim**[ta]**ut.org.mk

National youth organisation Scoutisme Français FSF France http://www.scoutisme-francais.fr info**[ta]**utisme-francais.fr

Local youth organisation Self-Starter Youth Association Self-Starter Hungary www.facebook.com/onindito.ifjusagi.egyesulet self.starter.youth**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Semper Avanti Association Semper Avanti Poland http://www.semperavanti.org sekretarz**[ta]**peravanti.org

Local youth organisation Semper Musica SM Romania http://www.sempermusica.org bogdan.mhai**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Sentido de Si - Associação de Saúde Mental SDS Portugal http://www.sentidodesi.pt sentidodesi**[ta]**tidodesi.pt

Local youth organisation SEON ACCD"SEON" Ukraine http://www.zdolbunivcity.net/ orlan0045**[ta]**.net

Local youth organisation SERBIAN ASSOCIATION FOR YOUTH UMS Serbia http://www.ums.org.rs marija**[ta]**company.com

National youth organisation Serund Pan-Armenian Youth Center Serund PYC Armenia http://www.serundpyc.com/ serund**[ta]**il.com

International youth organisation Service Civil International SCI SCI Belgium www.sciint.org coordinator**[ta]**int.org

Local youth organisation SERVICE TECHNIQUE POUR LES ACTIVITES DE JEUNESSE STAJ France http://www.stajtouraine.blogspot.fr/ staj.interculturel**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Servizio Civile Internazionale SCI ITALY Italy www.sci-italia.it info**[ta]**-italia.it

Local youth organisation Shokkin Group SHKN Estonia www.shokkin.wordpress.com vassiljev.pavel**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Sinnflut e.V. und KommunikationsKollektiv KoKo Germany http://www.kommunikationskollektiv.org info**[ta]**munikationskollektiv.org

Local youth organisation Slovenian Medical Students' International Committee - Ljubljana SloMSIC Ljubljana Slovenia http://www.dsms.net president**[ta]**msic-ljubljana.org

National youth organisation SNAGA MLADIH YOUTH POWER NGO YP Bosnia and Herzegovina www.youth-power.org ngo.youth.power**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Social Activities Center CIVITAS SAC Serbia civitascentar**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation social initiative and mutual system association simsder Turkey http://www.simsder.com simsder.info**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Social Innovation Centre Latvia SIC Latvia Latvia http://www.socialinnovation.lv socialinnovation**[ta]**ox.lv

National youth organisation Social organisation "Academy of Innovation" Academyinnov Russian Federation http://www.academy-of-innovation.com/ academy.innov**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation SocialMetix SocialMetix Italy http://www.panweb.eu/socialmetix elena.neal**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Socialna akademija SAK Slovenia http://www.socialna-akademija.si info**[ta]**ialna-akademija.si

Local youth organisation Society- Environment- Economy- Institutions SEI Italy http://www.seiproject.org francescoromano**[ta]**project.org

Local youth organisation Society Initiatives Institute SII-Lviv Ukraine http://www.sii.org.ua office**[ta]**.org.ua

National youth organisation SOCIETY WITHOUT VIOLENCE SWV Armenia http://www.swv.am arutshyan**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Socio Cultural Association Gitana Karipen karipen Spain akaripen**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Solenfance SCOLENFANCE France delphine.hourdebaigt**[ta]**adoo.fr

National youth organisation Solidarites Jeunesses SJ France www.solidaritesjeunesses.org dn**[ta]**idaritesjeunesses.org

Local youth organisation Solidary Group Soligroup Spain gruposolidariobarakaldo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Solidascension Solidascension France http://www.solidascension.org/ solidascension.asso**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Sombor Education Center SEC Serbia http://www.sec.org.rs soeducentar**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Sosyal Gelişim ve Eğitim Derneği SOGED Turkey http://www.soged.org damlaeldeleklioglu**[ta]**mail.com

Local youth organisation Sourire Au Monde SAM France http://www.sourireaumonde.wix.com/sourireaumonde sourireaumonde**[ta]**il.com

International network of youth organisations South East European Youth Network SEEYN Bosnia and Herzegovina www.seeyn.org hello**[ta]**yn.org

Local youth organisation South Europe Youth Forum SEYF Italy www.seyf.eu info**[ta]**f.eu

Local youth organisation SOUTH EUROPE YOUTH FORUM MALTA SEYF MALTA Malta http://www.seyf.eu seyfmalta**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Spirit of Freedom NGO SoF INGO Belgium http://www.sofingo.org steve**[ta]**ingo.org

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