07 文化旅游項目 建設能夠滿足游客休憩、康體、運動、益智、娛樂等休閑需求 的配套旅游基礎設施,形成相對完整的國家級旅游度假區。汶川縣 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 資 產負債率 總資產 總投資 50000 引進資金 50000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,按年均接待游客200萬人次,人均消費200元計算,預計年收入可達40000萬元,年利潤約10000萬元。前期工作 合作方式 獨資 市場分析及預測 結合汶川縣水磨、三江、漩口的旅游資源和旅游設施現狀,通過建設配套旅游基礎設施,達到滿 足游客休憩、康體、運動、益智、娛樂等休閑的需求。每年往返于九環線的游客量巨大,汶川又 是必經之路,2013年接待游客超過600萬人次。該項目依托成都及周邊大城市巨大的休閑旅游市 場,前景廣闊,潛力巨大。建設條件 南部生態旅游度假區自然資源包括內河(壽溪河)、山地、森林3個小類;人文資源包括鄉村田 園、傳統聚落(水磨古鎮及村落)、主題運動(三江漂流等)、人文活動(藏羌民俗及非物質遺 產等)等4個小類。度假資源具有較高的旅游承載力和獨特性,而且近年來,對這些度假資源進 行了合理的開發、利用,基礎配套設施建設完備。建設工期 4年 建設性質 新建
07 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 50000 Total Investment 50000 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site It is planned to construct the supporting tourism infrastructures which can meet the tourists? leisure demands such as rest, recreation, sports, intelligence development and entertainment to form relative complete national level tourist resort. Wenchuan County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast According to the status quo of tourism resources and tourism facilities in Shuimo, Sanjiang and Xuankou, Wenchuan County, the tourists' leisure demands for rest, recreation, sports, intelligence development and entertainment will be met through construction of supporting tourism infrastructures. Every year the tourist amount to and from the Nine
Construction Project of Wenchuan National Level Tourist Resort
Phone Number: 0837-625***
08 文化旅游項目 汶川縣三江鎮景區內配套建設基礎設施、游客接待中心等;包括開發度假山莊、漂流、騎馬、射箭、登山、野營、觀光娛樂等旅游項目。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 資 產負債率 總資產 總投資 44000 引進資金 44000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,按年均接待游客150萬人次,人均消費200元計算,預計年收入可達30000萬元,年利潤約10000萬元。前期工作 合作方式 獨資 市場分析及預測 項目依托成都、重慶巨大的休閑旅游客源市場,三江景區適合開展休閑度假短程旅游,可開展攀 登、漂流、騎馬等活動項目。每年往返于九環線的游客量巨大,市場前景廣闊。建設條件 西河生態休閑觀光區位于三江生態旅游景區的西南片區、西河兩側,是一片尚待開發的區域。災 后重建后,三江鎮至上坪的村道已修建水泥路面,公路長為
08 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 44000 Total Investment 44000 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site
Ecological Leisure Sightseeing Tourist Area of
Phone Number: 0837-682***
09 文化旅游項目1、米亞羅和夾壁嘉絨藏族民俗風情、紅葉風情體驗區建設;2、民居、碉樓維修保護及展示;3、高原滑雪基地建設;4、標識標牌建設等。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 資 產負債率 總資產 總投資 180000 引進資金 180000 企業自籌 經濟效益 預計投資回收期7-9年。前期工作 已完成旅游規劃 合作方式 獨資、合資 市場分析及預測 米亞羅風景區是省級風景名勝區,是全國面積最大的紅葉風景區之一,也是嘉絨藏族的聚居地,該景區已具有一定的知名度;但由于景區缺乏文化依托,導致旅游出現季節性特征,難以留住客 人,該項目的實施,將極大提高米亞羅景區的文化深度和接待能力,市場前景廣闊。建設條件 米亞羅景區氣候宜人,高原特征明顯,具有豐富的嘉絨藏族文化底蘊;景區距中心大城市近,交 通便捷;已有一定的知名度和美譽,有利于景區品牌打造和宣傳。建設工期 4年 建設性質 新建
09 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 180000 Total Investment Introduction of capital 180000 Project Contents Construction site 1. Experience of Miyaluo and Jiabi Jiarong Tibetan folk custom and red leaf amorous feeling; 2. Maintenance,protection and display of folk house and watchtower; 3. Construction of plateau skiing base; 4. Construction of sign and mark. Li County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Miyaluo scenic spot is a provincial level scenic spot, one of China?s largest read leaf scenic spots and also a settlement of Jiarong Tibetan people. At present, the scenic spot has a certain reputation; but the scenic spot is lack of cultural reliance, resulting in that tourism has seasonal characteristics and it is difficult to retain customers. With the implementation of the project, it will greatly improve cultural depth and reception capacity of Miyaluo scenic spot, and the market prospects are broad. Building Conditions Miyaluo scenic spot has pleasant climate, obvious plateau characteristics, and rich Jiarong Tibetan cultural deposits. The scenic spot is close to central big city with convenient transportation; the scenic spot has owned a certain popularity and good reputation, which is more beneficial to its brand building and advertising. Economic Benefits It is predicted that the investment can be returned within 7-9 years. Pre-phase Work The tourism planning has been completed. Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship, joint venture Construction period Four Years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***
Phone Number: 0837-723***
10 文化旅游項目 松潘縣施家堡鄉 新建集住宿、餐飲、娛樂為一體的旅游度假村;新(改)建 景區棧道、車道,徒步探險、野營基地、觀光旅游項目等基 礎設施。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 資 產負債率 總資產 總投資 50000 引進資金 50000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計可實現年利潤5000萬元。前期工作 項目前期規劃正在實施 合作方式 合資 市場分析及預測 西溝景區位于世界自然文化遺產黃龍景區和丹云霞景區之間,海拔
10 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 50000 Total Investment 50000 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site Newly-built tourist resort integrated with accommodation, catering and entertainment; newly-built (rebuilt) infrastructures in the scenic spot such as gallery road, lane, hiking and exploration, camping base and sightseeing tour items:Jiabao Village, Songpan County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Xigou Scenic Spot is located between Yellow Dragon Scenic Spot and Danyunxia Scenic Spot, the World Cultural and Natural Heritages, about 1800 above sea level. The scenic spot has beautiful scenery and unique landscape, currently still remains original natural styles and features, suitable for developing ecological tourism, self-driving tour, outdoor camping tour, hiking tour, scientific research and investigation tours, etc. with great development value. Building Conditions The scenic spot has not been developed yet, maintained original natural landscape and has strong plasticity; The scenic spot is adjacent to Yellow Dragon and Jiuzhaigou scenic spots with many tourists and adequate customer sources; The configuration of infrastructures such as water, electricity, road, communication is perfect, which can meet the demand of project construction. Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicated that annual profit of RMB 50 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project is in progress. Ways of Cooperation Joint venture Construction period Three years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***
Phone Number: 0837-773***
Contact:He Jian
11 文化旅游項目 1、整體開發神仙池風景區,含新(改、擴)建旅游觀光、藏 羌文化體驗、野外科考探險等項目基礎設施。2、新建高端會議度假酒店、高端養老休閑等配套服務設施。3、新建連接九寨溝景區的交通隧道。九寨溝縣 大錄鄉 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 資 產負債率 總資產 總投資 500000 引進資金 500000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計可實現年產值5億元,年利潤2.5億元,投資回收期為10-20年。前期工作 合作方式 合作 建設工期 5年 建設性質 新建 市場分析及預測 神仙池風景區總面積約30萬公頃,其景致兼具九寨風光之秀美和黃龍鈣化彩池之奇,旅游開發品 質極高。距九寨溝景區約40公里,與九寨天堂洲際大酒店僅一山之隔,與即將開工建設的中查溝 國際會議度假區遙相呼應,是九寨溝景區周邊唯一有待開發的處女地,是九寨溝縣境內的稀缺資 源。神仙池在歷史上地處唐、蕃交界,周邊生態環境極佳,擁有深厚的歷史文化底蘊和保存完整 的藏族苯教文化,區內適合建設高端休閑、娛樂、度假、避暑以及藏文化體驗的旅游會所項目。建設條件 已累計投入資金2億元,修建了道路、游客中心、觀光棧道等基礎設施,景區內有全長45公里四級 旅游公路;旅游市場成熟,2013年共接待海內外游客476萬人次,可為項目建設提供充足的客源。
11 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 500000 Total Investment 500000 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site 1.Overall development fairy pool scenic spot, including newly-built (rebuilt and expanded) infrastructures such as tour and sightseeing, Tibetan and Qiang cultural experience, field scientific investigation and exploration; 2. Newly built supporting service facilities such as high-end conference resort hotel and high-end pension leisure. 3. Newly-built traffic tunnel connecting Jizhaigou Scenic Spot. Dalu Village of Jiuzhaigou County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Fairy pool scenic spot covers an area of about 300000 hectares, with the beauty of Jiuzhaigou scenery and the oddity of Yellow Dragon calcified color pool and very high tourism development quality. It is about
E-mail: 718915589**[ta]**com
Phone Number: 1388248***
12 文化旅游 建藏式仿古街道
12 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 35000 Total Investment 35000 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site Construction of
E-mail: 718915589**[ta]**com
聯系電話:0837- 252***
Phone Number: 0837- 252***
Contact:Development and Reform Bureau
金川縣 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 資 產負債率 總資產 總投資 1050000 引進資金 1050000 企業自籌 經濟效益 前期工作 已初步選址和規劃 合作方式 獨資、合資、合作 市場分析及預測 太陽能發電以其綠色、無污染、可再生等特點,成為新能源的熱點。太陽能發電在我國的戰略地 位正變得愈加重要,在國家產業指導目錄中,太陽能發電被列為新能源鼓勵類的第一項,政策支 持大。建設條件 金川縣地表海拔在1950米至5000米之間,幅員面積5550平方公里,境內日照充沛,年均降水量 616毫米,年均氣溫12.2℃,年均日照2178小時,年均無霜期202天,境內風沙小,獨特的區域 氣候條件十分有利于太陽能利用和光熱光伏發電。建設工期 5年 建設性質 新建
13 S/N Industry New energy Project Contents Construction site Investment and development of photovoltaic power generation project with installed capacity of 750000 KW Jinchuan County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Solar power generation has become a hot spot of new energy with its green, pollution, renewable characteristics, etc. solar power generation's strategic position in our country is becoming more and more important. In the national industry guidance directory, solar power generation is is listed as the first item of "encouraged" category of new energy, and greatly by policy. Building Conditions Jinchuan county is
New Energy Development Project
Phone Number: 0837-278***
Contact:Liu Jian