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NGO Type:/NGO Name/Acronym/Country/Website/Ema***

Local youth organisation ACADEMICO Youth Board ACADEMICO Croatia http://www.academico.hr academico.brod**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Board of European Students of technology Local Group Riga BEST-Riga Latvia http://www.best.rtu.lv/ riga**[ta]**t.eu.org

Local youth organisation Centre Youth Association KÖZ-Pont Hungary http://www.kozpontegyesulet.hu lukacs.rajmund**[ta]**pontegyesulet.hu

Local youth organisation Movement for Cooperation and Development of Youth MCDY Serbia http://www.pors.rs office**[ta]**s.rs

Local youth organisation Multi-ethnic and Non-government Women's association "LINDA" NGO "Linda" "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.ngolinda.blogspot.com/ linda.ngo.kumanovo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Women and Modern World Youth Center CWMW Azerbaijan www.womenmw-az.org womenmw**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Young Community MolodaGromada Ukraine http://www.youthbank.org.ua MolodaGromada**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation " Reflection" Reflection Serbia http://www.facebook.com/Refleksija raskarefleksija**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation "Azeri Yurdu" Youth Public Union AYGIB Azerbaijan https://www.facebook.com/AzeriYurduGIB/ azeriyurdu.az**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation "Children with special needs" CSN Bulgaria emi_georgieva77**[ta]**.bg

Local youth organisation "Common Sense" Youth Organization CSYO Azerbaijan www.csyo-az.org office**[ta]**o-az.org

Local youth organisation "Communication without borders" NGO "CWB" Ukraine http://www.ngo-cwb.blogspot.com/ cwb.ngo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation "Crossroad of Ideas" COI Armenia crossroadofideas**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation "Dinamika" DNK Serbia http://www.dinamika.spoznajgdezivis.com dinamika.pancevo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation "Diverse and Equal" Association DEABG Bulgaria www.diverseequal.eu diverse_equal**[ta]**.bg

Local youth organisation "Doctor Cinema" Youth Non-Governmental Organization DoC Armenia www.doctorcinema.org doctorcinemango**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation "Future for All" Association FFA Bulgaria bzv_2015**[ta]**.bg

Local youth organisation "Generation of changes" NGO "GC" Ukraine https://generationofchanges.wordpress.com Iryna_bohachuk**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation "MilleniuM" Training and Development Institute MilleniuM Republic of Moldova http://www.millenium.md info**[ta]**lenium.md

Local youth organisation "POZITIVNI 365 BULGARIA" Foundation POZITIVNI365BG Bulgaria http://www.pozitivni365.com pozitivni365**[ta]**.bg

Local youth organisation "Right Side" Human Rights Defender NGO RSHD Armenia http://www.rightsidengo.com rightsidengo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation "Right''Sustainable Development of United Civil Society'' NGO RSDUCS Armenia We currently do not have web site rsducs**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation "UniGrowth Development Center" Youth NGO "UniGrowth DC" YNGO Armenia unigrowth.center**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation "Vesna" Youth Democratic Movement VESNA Russian Federation http://www. spb-vesna.ru artemenko-ne**[ta]**dex.ru

Local youth organisation "Yeghvard" youth ecological NGO "Yeghvard" NGO Armenia yeghvardhk**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation "Youth Breath" youth support YBYS Armenia www.youthbreath.com ybinfo2006**[ta]**il.com

International network of youth organisations “Böyük İpək Yolu” Beynəxalq Gənclər İttifaqı GSW IYU Azerbaijan http://www.gswyouth.org secretariat**[ta]**youth.org

Local youth organisation “Pro-Europa” European Center of Comrat PE ECC Republic of Moldova http://www.proeuropa.md mitioglo.l**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation 2N Youth C.I.C. 2N Youth United Kingdom http://www.facebook.com/2NYouth paultallis**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation 35mm 35MM Montenegro http://www.nvo35mm.org/ 35mmproduction**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation A4ACTION - ASOCIAȚIA PENTRU INIȚIATIVE ȘI DEZVOLTARE CONTINUĂ A4ACTION Romania http://www.a4action.ro contact**[ta]**ction.ro

Local youth organisation Accept LGBT CYPRUS - Youth Group Accept Youth Group Cyprus http://www.acceptcy.org info**[ta]**eptcy.org

Local youth organisation ACMOS ACMOS Italy www.acmos.net elisa.ferrero**[ta]**os.net

Local youth organisation Act 4 Change VZW Act4Change Belgium http://www.act4change.be/ vincent**[ta]**4change.be

Local youth organisation Action pour le Developpement Integre et la Formation ADIF France www.adif-interculturalite.eu contact**[ta]**f-interculturalite.eu

International youth organisation Active - sobriety friendship and peace ACTIVE Sweden www.activeeurope.org office**[ta]**iveeurope.org

National youth organisation Active Bulgarian Society ABS Bulgaria absociety.info**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Active Change Foundation ACF United Kingdom http://www.activechangefoundation.org enquiries**[ta]**ivechangefoundation.org

Local youth organisation Active development society DARSRB Serbia bjelosnenad**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation ACTIVE YOUNG CITIZENS INITIATIVE AYCI Armenia armyouthcenter.am ayci.ngo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Active youth ACTIVE YOUTH Kazakhstan www.nposko.kz sergeybelov83**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Active Youth Public Union AYPU Azerbaijan http://www.activeyouth.az activeyouthpu**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Active Youths of Florina OENEF Greece www.oenef.eu oenef**[ta]**oo.gr

Local youth organisation Adefis Juventud Internacional Adefis Juventud Inte Spain camilavazquezconde**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Adele Foundation ADELE Bulgaria http://www.adele-ngo.org info**[ta]**le-ngo.org

Local youth organisation ADVIT Moldova ADVIT Republic of Moldova www.voluntariat.md advit_ewb**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation ADYNE Netherlands ADYNE-NL Netherlands www.adynenetherlands.nl info**[ta]**nenetherlands.nl

National youth organisation AEQUITAS AEQUITAS Cyprus www.aequitas-humanrights.org nalkiviadou**[ta]**uitas-humanrights.org

National youth organisation AFRICAN CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ACDR United Kingdom http://www.acdr.org.uk arcdvr**[ta]**il.com

International youth organisation African Diaspora Youth Network in Europe ADYNE Belgium www.adyne.eu info**[ta]**ne.eu

National youth organisation African Empowerment Center AEC Sweden saliu4u**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Agency of economic social and cultural development Paragon AESCD PARAGON Republic of Moldova http://www.paragon-agency.org ceo**[ta]**agon-agency.org

National youth organisation AGORA ROMA AGORA ROMA Spain http://www.agoraroma.org info**[ta]**raroma.org

Local youth organisation Ahizpatasuna Socio Culrutal Asociation of Basque and Morrocan Women ASCAB Spain izarne1**[ta]**.com

National youth organisation AIESEC in Poland AIESEC Poland Poland www.aiesec.pl jakub.orlowski**[ta]**sec.net

National youth organisation AIESEC Moldova AIESEC MD Republic of Moldova http://www. aiesec.md md.aiesec**[ta]**il.com

International youth organisation Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste e.V. ASF e.V. Germany www.asf-ev.de asf**[ta]**-ev.de

Local youth organisation Albanian Center "YMCA" Tirana YMCA Tirana Albania http://www.ymcatirana.wordpress.com ymcatirana**[ta]**il.com

International youth organisation Alcohol Policy Youth Network APYN Slovenia www.apyn.org secretary.general**[ta]**n.org

National youth organisation All different All Equal ADAE SRB Serbia www.adaenetwork.org info**[ta]**thserbia.org

National youth organisation Alliance for Society Advancement ASA - GEO Georgia www.asa4you.org asa4you**[ta]**look.com

International youth organisation Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations ALLIANCE Denmark www.alliance-network.eu alliance**[ta]**iance-network.eu

National youth organisation All-Ukrainian association for youth co operation ALTERNATIVE V AUAYC ALTER Ukraine www.alternative-v.com.ua alternative.v**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Alternative Bor AABOR Serbia alternativabor**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Alternative Innovative Development AID Greece contact.aidorg**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Alternativi International AINT Bulgaria www.alternativi-bg.org alternativi.international**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Amaro Drom e V AD e.V. Germany www.amarodrom.de mail**[ta]**rodrom.de

Local youth organisation Amnesty International Nevers AIFN France amnesty.nevers**[ta]**oste.net

Local youth organisation Anazitites Theatrou fixinart Greece fixinart.events**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation ANTIGONE INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION CENTRE ON RACISM ECOLOGY PEACE AND NON VIOLENCE ANTIGONE Greece www.antigone.gr patrizia.deiala**[ta]**igone.gr

Local youth organisation AO Alternativa Alternativa NGO Republic of Moldova www.alternativa.org.md maria.bivol21**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Aps Youth Association for Rights Development Aps Yard Italy http://www.panweb.eu/yard apsyard**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation ARCI Nuova Associazione Circolo Territoriale Chieti ARCI CHIET Italy https://www.facebook.com/arci.officine circoloarcichieti**[ta]**oo.it

Local youth organisation ArmActive-Youth Center ArmActive Armenia N/A ArmActive**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Armenian Center of Young analysts ACoYA Armenia https://acoya.org/language/en/main-page-english/ info**[ta]**ya.org

National youth organisation Armenian Progressive Youth APY Armenia www.apy.am apy.ngo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Armenian Regional Youth NGO ARYNGO Armenia aryouth.ngo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Armenian Youth League ArmenianYL Armenia ayl.armenia**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Asociacija "Aktyvus jaunimas" AJ Lithuania http://www.activeyouth.lt info**[ta]**iveyouth.lt

Local youth organisation ASOCIACION 217 SUR 217SUR Spain 217SUR**[ta]**IL.COM

Local youth organisation Asociacion Cantabria Europa EUREKA Spain http://www.eurekasantander.org daniel.torralbo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Asociación Jóvenes Solidarios AJS Spain http://www.ajovenes.es ajovenes**[ta]**venes.es

Local youth organisation ASOCIACION JUVENIL INTER INTER Spain http://www.ajinter.org wyllyf**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation ASOCIACIÓN JUVENIL MESA LOCAL DE LA JUVENTUD DE PUENTE GENIL AJ MESA LOCAL Spain mesalocalpg**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation ASOCIACION PARA LA COOPERACION AL DESARROLLO AFRIC' FOR Spain www.africforum.org medioambiente**[ta]**icforum.org

Local youth organisation Asociația de Tineri din Ardeal ATA-YAT Romania http://www.ata-ro.eu office.ata**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Asociația Igen tessék Da poftiți Yes, please! Romania http://www.igentessek.ro info**[ta]**ntessek.ro

Local youth organisation Asociatia “Youth Can Do It” YCDI Romania http://www.youthcandoit.eu contact**[ta]**thcandoit.eu

Local youth organisation Asociatia Atelierul de Idei AAI Romania asociatia.atelierul.de.idei**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Asociatia Centrul de Resurse pentru Incluziune Sociala CRIS CRIS Romania http://www.asociatiacris.ro office**[ta]**ciatiacris.ro

National youth organisation Asociatia COSI Civic Orientation and Social Integration COSI Romania http://www.cosiromania.com/ asociatiacosi**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Asociatia Culturala Branart ACB Romania http://www.branart.ro asociatiabranart**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Asociatia Devision DEV Romania http://www.devision.org.ro asociatiadevision**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Asociatia Education Studio Education Studio Romania http://www.educationstudio.ro office**[ta]**cationstudio.ro

Local youth organisation Asociatia Euroarte EARTE Romania http://www.euroarte.ro andrea_blaga**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Asociatia Fluturele Visator AFV Romania http://www.butterflydreamer.eu office**[ta]**terflydreamer.eu

Local youth organisation Asociatia Initiative si Proiecte Imago Mundi AIM Romania http://www.initiativepro.wordpress.com/ imagomundi.conects**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Asociatia S.E.G.M.E.N.T. S.E.G.M.E.N.T. Romania http://www.asociatiasegment.ro asociatiasegment**[ta]**oo.ro

Local youth organisation Asociatia Tineret pentru Dezvoltare Durabila ATDD Romania http://www.atdd.ro office**[ta]**d.ro

Local youth organisation Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica-Association of Youth with Civic Initiative A.T.I.C. Romania http://www.facebook.com/AsociatiaTinerilorcuInitia atic.romania**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Asociation Support for Children and Teenagers APIA Spain liviaefernandez**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Aspire. Manufactory of Change - Humanitäre Vereini A.MoC Austria http://www.aspire.co.at info**[ta]**ire.co.at

National youth organisation Associacao Cultural Ginga Brasil Capoeira ACGBC Portugal www.gingabrasilcapoeira.pt projetos**[ta]**gabrasilcapoeira.pt

Local youth organisation Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Lisboa AEFCML Portugal http://www.aefcml.pt/ marta.lopes**[ta]**fcm.unl.pt

Local youth organisation Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa AEFML Portugal http://www.site.aefml.pt gestao**[ta]**ml.pt

Local youth organisation Associação Nacional Futebol Rua-Street Soccer Ass. ANFR Portugal http://www.futrua.org geral**[ta]**rua.org

Local youth organisation Associação Para Onde Para Onde Portugal http://www.paraonde.org info**[ta]**aonde.org

Local youth organisation Associació de Periodisme Fora de Quadre FdQ Spain http://www.foradequadre.org foradequadre**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Association "eBusiness Club" ebc Serbia http://www.udruzenje-ebc.info udruzenje.ebc**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Association "Jaunimo laisvalaikis" Jaunimo laisvalaikis Lithuania https://www.facebook.com/Jaunimolaisvalaikis v.polevicius**[ta]**iko.lt

Local youth organisation Association "Youth for development of Lyaskovets" MRL Bulgaria www.mladeji.com mladeji_lqskovec**[ta]**.bg

Local youth organisation Association “Nova generacija” NG Bosnia and Herzegovina http://www.novageneracija.org info**[ta]**ageneracija.org

Local youth organisation Association Ballade BALLADE France www.papyrosn.com ourisson.caussade**[ta]**adoo.fr

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