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來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Local youth organisation Association Civilnet Civilnet Serbia http://www.civilnet.rs/ civilnetngo**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Association Coexister Coexister France http://www.coexister.fr claire.soignet**[ta]**xister.fr

National youth organisation Association Dea Dia deadia Serbia https://www.facebook.com/DeaDiaorg office**[ta]**dia.co.rs

International youth organisation Association des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l Europe AEGEE Belgium www.aegee.org headoffice**[ta]**ee.org

Local youth organisation Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe-Utrecht AEGEE-Utrecht Netherlands http://www.aegee-utrecht.nl info**[ta]**ee-utrecht.nl

National youth organisation Association Europe4Youth E4Y Poland http://www.europe4youth.eu info**[ta]**ope4youth.eu

Local youth organisation Association for Civil Activism FORUM 16 - Bitola FORUM 16 - Bitola "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.forum16.eu contact**[ta]**um16.eu

National youth organisation Association for Development Education and Labour A.D.E.L. Slovak Republic http://www.adelslovakia.org info**[ta]**lslovakia.org

Local youth organisation Association for development of art and cultural cooperation ARTMEDIA ARTMEDIA "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" www.artmedia.vix.com/artmedia artmediakreativa**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Association for Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles LINK BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina http://www.link.ba info**[ta]**k.ba

National youth organisation Association for Sexual and reproductive Health and Rights SRH Serbia SRH SERBIA Serbia www.srh.rs, www.safesexresurs.org draganastojanovic**[ta]**oo.co.uk

Local youth organisation Association for Social cultural and creative development NGO ZORA Bosnia and Herzegovina www.ngozora.org; www.facebook.com/NGO.ZORA arminsestic**[ta]**zora.org

National youth organisation Association for Sustainable Human Development Youth Section ASHD Armenia ashdfreenet.am/ysd.am, ysd.am nersisyan.liana**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Association Intermedia UG Intermedia Serbia http://www.intermedia.org.rs office**[ta]**ermedia.org.rs

National youth organisation Association LUNARIA LUNARIA Italy www.lunaria.org mandozzi**[ta]**aria.org

National youth organisation Association Migration Solidarit et Echanges pour le D veloppement AMSED France http://www.amsed.fr amsed**[ta]**adoo.fr

Local youth organisation Association New Society ANS Spain asociacionnuevasociedad**[ta]**mail.es

Local youth organisation Association of Azerbaijani Students in Georgia GATA Georgia samiraismgeo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Association of citizen ''Kokoro'' - Bor Kokoro Serbia http://www.ngokokorobor.org kokorom**[ta]**n.telekom.rs

Local youth organisation Association of citizens "Information System Agency" AC_ISA Serbia http://www.isa.org.rs pecanin**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Association of Human Rights Educators AHEAD Spain www.aheadedu.org ahead**[ta]**adedu.org

International network of youth organisations Association of Nordic and Pol Balt LGBTQ Student Organizations ANSO Finland www.anso.dk info**[ta]**o.dk

National youth organisation Association of Roma "Prokuplje" ARP PK Serbia https://www.facebook.com/pages/Drustvo-Roma-Prokup drustvoromaprokuplje**[ta]**look.com

Local youth organisation ASSOCIATION OF RURAL YOUTH OF SERBIA ARYS Serbia predrag.markovic**[ta]**mail.com

National youth organisation Association of Secondary School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina ASuBiH Bosnia and Herzegovina http://www.asubih.ba asubih**[ta]**oo.com

National youth organisation ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUTH SKEP Greece http://www.skep.gr skep**[ta]**p.gr

National youth organisation Association of Ukrainian Guides AUG Ukraine http://www.girlguiding.org.ua/ yulia.prytysk**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Association of Young Azerbaijani Professionals AYAPE Netherlands http://www.ayape.eu r.samadov**[ta]**pe.eu

Local youth organisation Association of Young Ecologists Niksic DMEN Montenegro http://www.dmen.wordpress.com ayen-ben**[ta]**om.me

Local youth organisation Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro AYDM Montenegro http://www.umhcg.com umhcg**[ta]**om.me

National youth organisation Association People s Parliament APP Serbia www.parlament.org.rs office**[ta]**lament.org.rs

Local youth organisation association Romans International asso RI France http://www.romans-international.fr animation**[ta]**ans-international.fr

Local youth organisation Association Savremie Savremie Bulgaria http://www.savremie.eu office**[ta]**remie.eu

Local youth organisation Association Youth in Action Generation of Conquest AJGC Spain jva.gndc**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Associazione Agrado AGRADO Italy www.associazioneagrado.com info**[ta]**ociazioneagrado.com

Local youth organisation Associazione Cristiana dei Giovani - YMCA Siderno YMCA Siderno Italy http://www.ymcasiderno.it info**[ta]**asiderno.it

Local youth organisation Associazione culturale giovanile Io Deposito Io Deposito Italy management.iodeposito**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Associazione Culturale Giovanile Moby Dick ACG Moby Dick Italy assmobydick**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Associazione di Promozione Sociale "Gap" APS GAP Italy http://www.gapnet.eu/ segreteria**[ta]**net.eu

Local youth organisation Associazione di Promozione Sociale LA FENICE APS LA FENICE Italy www.lafeniceaps.weebly.com aps.lafenice**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Associazione di promozione sociale Maghweb Maghweb Italy http://www.maghweb.org maghweb**[ta]**hweb.org

Local youth organisation Associazione di promozione sociale Terra di Mezzo TerradiMezzo Italy http://www.terradimezzoaps.eu info**[ta]**radimezzoaps.eu

Local youth organisation Associazione di Volontariato POZZO DI GIACOBBE PDG Italy http://www.pozzodigiacobbe-onlus.com/ rossano.ciottoli**[ta]**gilio.it

Local youth organisation ASSOCIAZIONE GIOSEF-UNITO GIOSEF-UNITO Italy http://www.giosefunito.eu infogiosef**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Associazione Giovanile di Promozione Sociale Nous Nous Italy http://www.nousngo.eu ong.nous**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Associazione Internazionale per la Cooperazione e l'Educazione nel Mondo AICEM Italy http://www.aicem.it info**[ta]**em.it

Local youth organisation Associazione Liberi Artigiani ALA Italy www.ala-europe.com info**[ta]**-europe.com

Local youth organisation Associazione Zero Zero Zero Zero Onlus Italy http://www.panweb.eu/zerozero associazionezerozero**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation AtelieR Youth Association AtelieR Romania www.youth.ro asociatia.atelier**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation AURYN YOUTH ASSOCIATION AURYN Spain cjauryn.wordpress.com/ auryneurope**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Autonomia Foundation Autonomia Hungary www.autonomia.hu autonomia**[ta]**onomia.hu

National youth organisation Avenir Climatique AC France president**[ta]**nirclimatique.org

National youth organisation Azerbaijan Democratic Student Youth Organization ADSAYO Azerbaijan www.adsayo.org adsayo**[ta]**mail.com

Local youth organisation Azerbaijan Students Public Union ASPU Azerbaijan www.asu.az office.asu**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Azerbaijan Volunteers Public Union ****PU Azerbaijan www.avpu.az s.rzayev**[ta]**u.az

International youth organisation Babel International CAFEBABEL France www.cafebabel.com a.heully**[ta]**ebabel.com

Local youth organisation Baku Volunteer Center BVC Azerbaijan bakuvc**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Balkan Urban Movement BUM Serbia www.bum.org.rs bum**[ta]**.org.rs

National youth organisation Balkans let's get up Organisation BLGU Org Serbia http://www.balkansletsgetup.org info.blgu**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Belarusian young greens-Green Generation BYG-GG Belarus http://www.belgreens.org/be/youth byyounggreens**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Beylagan Youths Enlightenment and Social Development Public Union BYESDPU Azerbaijan beylagan_ib**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF BULGRAIA ASSOCIATION BBBS-BG Bulgaria www.bbbsbg.org office**[ta]**sbg.org

Local youth organisation Birkenhead District Scouts BH Scouts United Kingdom http://www.birkenheadscouts.org.uk/ alison.lee**[ta]**kenheadscouts.org.uk

Local youth organisation blEUprint blEUprint Bulgaria http://www.bleuprint.eu contact**[ta]**uprint.eu

International youth organisation Board of European Students of Technology BEST Belgium www.best.eu.org grants.coordinator**[ta]**t.eu.org

Local youth organisation Board of European Students of Technology Local Gro BEST Bp Hungary http://www.best-budapest.hu budapest**[ta]**t.eu.org

Local youth organisation Bourgogne Balkans Express BBE France bourgognebalkansexpress**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Bratislava Volunteer Center the BVC Slovak Republic http://www.dobrovolnictvoba.sk/en info**[ta]**rovolnictvoba.sk

Local youth organisation Bridge Bridge Armenia bridge.armenia**[ta]**il.com

International network of youth organisations Bringing Europeans Together Association BETA Germany http://www.beta-europe.org/ contact**[ta]**a-europe.org

National youth organisation British Youth Council BYC United Kingdom http://www.byc.org.uk james.edleston**[ta]**.org.uk

National youth organisation BROUHAHA INTERNATIONAL BI United Kingdom www.brouhaha.uk.com giles**[ta]**uhaha.uk.com

Local youth organisation Bué Fixe - Associação de Jovens Bué Fixe Portugal https://www.associacaobuefixe.pt/ grupobuefixe**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Bulgarian sports development association BSDA Bulgaria http://www.bulsport.bg info**[ta]**sport.bg

Local youth organisation Bulgarian Youth Parliament BYP Bulgaria http://www.yparliament.eu admin**[ta]**rliament.eu

Local youth organisation Business Community Club BC-Club Ukraine http://www.bc-club.org.ua/en.html bc.club.ukraine**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation C.PART - Juventude no Cartaxo C.PART Portugal http://www.facebook.com/Cpontopart/ c.part.geral**[ta]**il.com

International youth organisation Camelia CAM Netherlands nistor.camelia**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Can you Can you Bulgaria team.canyou**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Capramagra Onlus Capramagra Italy http://www.capramagra.org farris.p**[ta]**mail.it

International network of youth organisations Caravan Circus Network CCN France http://www.caravancircusnetwork.eu info**[ta]**avancircusnetwork.eu

Local youth organisation Carpe Diem CRPDM Bulgaria http://www.crpdm.org crpdm.association**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Carpe Diem udruga za poticanje i razvoj kreativnih i socijalnih potencijala djece mladih i odraslih Carpe Diem Croatia http://www.carpediemka.info sandra**[ta]**-grabrik.hr

Local youth organisation Caucasian Center for Proposing Non Traditional Conflict Resolution Method CC Armenia caucasuscenter**[ta]**.am

Local youth organisation Caucasian Institute for Peace Problems Research CIPPR Armenia www.cippr.org peace_research_ngo**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Caucasien maison de l'Europe Caucasien maison de France tsiako**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Caucasus Youth Nexus CAYNEX Georgia http://www.caynex.ge caynexyia**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation CAZALLA INTERCULTURAL CAZALLA IN Spain www.cazalla-intercultural.org info**[ta]**alla-intercultural.org

National youth organisation CAZAS CAZAS Montenegro www.cazas.org sanja.sisovic**[ta]**as.org

Local youth organisation C-Dialogue Nongovernmental organization C-Dialogue NGO Ukraine vladimirnizov**[ta]**oo.com

National youth organisation Centar za građansko obrazovanje CGO Montenegro http://www.cgo-cce.org/ info**[ta]**-cce.org

Local youth organisation Centar za omladinu Tvoja Srbija TS Serbia http://www.tvojasrbija.rs office**[ta]**jasrbija.rs

Local youth organisation Centar za rad sa decom mladima i porodicom Vrdnicak CRDMPV Serbia http://www.vrdnicak.webs.com/ vrdnicak**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Centar za razvoj gradjanskog drustva PROTECTA PROTECTA Nis Serbia http://www.protecta.org.rs milan.p**[ta]**tecta.org.rs

Local youth organisation Center for activism Belgrade Cab Serbia bojana2469**[ta]**mail.com

Local youth organisation Center for activism Vranje CF**** Serbia centarzaaktivizam**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Center for civil resources development CRCR Serbia http://www.crcrnis.org office**[ta]**rnis.org

National youth organisation Center for Development Policy and Co-operation CRPS Serbia crps.org.rs office.crps**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Center for Economic Development of Romani populati CEUR Serbia www.facebook.com/ceurms office.ceur**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Center for Euroinitiatives CEI Ukraine www.eu.sumy.ua info**[ta]**sumy.ua

Local youth organisation Center for Sustainable Community Development CSCD Romania www.cdcd.ro adina**[ta]**d.ro

Local youth organisation Center for Youth Activism CYA KRIK CYA KRIK "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.mladi.mk/author/krik/ infokrikcenter**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Center for Youth Initiatives "Globe" NGO "CYI "Globe"" Ukraine cyi.globe**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Center for youth NEW W****E CZMNT Serbia http://www.czmnovitalas.org czmnovitalas**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Center for Youth Progress CYP/QPR Albania http://www.cyp.al/ orgcyp**[ta]**mail.com

Local youth organisation CENTER OF EUROPEAN COOPERATION CoEC Ukraine www.center-ukraine.org.ua esmagliy7**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Center of Youth Initiatives Totem CYI Totem Ukraine http://www.cmitotem.wix.com/cmitotem totem****[ta]

Local youth organisation CentRa CentRa Serbia iwkockica**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Centralasiengrupperna CAG Sweden http://www.centralasien.org gustaf**[ta]**tralasien.org

Local youth organisation Centre for Children Youth and Familiy Laktasi CDMPL Bosnia and Herzegovina http://www.cdmpl.ba/ cdmpl**[ta]**pl.net

Local youth organisation Centre for culture and educations Sonta CEKOS Serbia www.cekos.org.rs ckosonta**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Centre for Development of Social Business Initiative CDSBI Ukraine http://www.iniciatuva.zp.ua/ iniciatuva.crsb**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Centre for European Initiatives CfEI Bulgaria europeaninitiatives**[ta]**oo.com

Local youth organisation Centre for European Progression CFEP Belgium http://www.c4ep.eu ploules**[ta]**p.eu

National youth organisation Centre for Intercultural Dialogue CID "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" www.cid.mk info**[ta]**.mk

National youth organisation Centre for non-formal education Triagolnik Triagolnik "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.triagolnik.org.mk info**[ta]**agolnik.org.mk

National youth organisation Centre for promotion of healthy lifestlyes CENTRE E8 Serbia www.e8.org.rs centar**[ta]**org.rs

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